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On Mystery




Recognize that console? :P I'm sure if you haven't figured it out before you now know I'm a huge fan of Lost... well, I'm not one of those people that decodes every little hint and writes tons and tons of detail on what it could all mean -- I save that for Bionicle. :lol: But the show is just awesome. That season finale, man, that rocked!

What I love about Lost is the mystery of it (as well as the coolness...). Sometimes I wonder if they borrowed half their ideas from Bionicle -- the idea of a mysterious island with this mechanical-sounding monster... that ends up looking like an arm of black smoke... Makuta anyone? Not to mention the Hatch that contains civilization... underground. Plus Cathy Hapka is writing a Lost book. :lol:

Of course, this is all coincidence -- these are really things that tie in with mystery itself. The concept of the Hatch (what is in it?), the concept of the button (what happens if it isn't pressed every 108 minutes?), the concept of the monster (what is it?), and the Others (who are they exactly?) -- all major themes of Lost. We know a lot more about some of them now, especially the first and second, but still, mystery is involved. Mystery is one of my favorite elements of a story. It's what keeps S&T thriving with theories about Bionicle, it's what enabled Bionicle to open up a whole new world of coolness with Metru Nui, it was the theme I asked about in one of my favorite topics (The Mysterious Feel -- What Creates it? -- Don't post there. He's dead, Jim.), and it's the number one thing I try hard to make my fanfics about.

The Bionicle Paracosmos was originally just my random roleplaying with sets back in 2001. The whole story of The Sword Is But The Focus was largely invented that long ago, played with my very first Bionicle set, Kopaka. That was back before I'd even heard of BZP, and back when I assumed I would never participate in those weird online forum thingies. When I discovered BZP I always tossed around the idea of doing my own fanfics based on my original imagined stories--I consider myself first and foremost a writer. I've always hoped that someday I might get published, and I've even got an entire world and series planned out that I want to do that with eventually. So I wanted to treat these fanfics very seriously; as practice for the "real thing."

But I came to beleive I could not do it unless I had some deep, core mystery to base it all around... and then build more and more layers of mystery on that. Somehow I seized on the concept of an alternate timeline story, that tries to be literally an alternate timeline, the Paracosmos. One of only two "real" timelines, and this one should not exist. It only exists because of "The Event," and somehow, it mirrors the official timeline, yet builds on it, deviates in places. And I've got the entire backstory, the big secrets, and the general story arc planned out now. My main goal with these stories is to keep a level of mystery throughout the series, up until the spectacular end. Along the way the Toa and Matoran discover the mysteries along with the reader -- even the Turaga are clueless about the deep secrets. Levels upon levels of mystery.

That's that goal. It's easier said than done though. I know all the answers to my story; I cannot read my story the way readers do, seeing something as a mystery to myself rather than a clue I'm planting, and being able to revel in its mysteriousness. For that I absolutely depend on my readers -- you guys say when you think a chapter is mysterious, and so far it seems I've kept that up well, slowly revealing the answers while opening up new ones, all the while with rocking action and the best characterization I know how to do. The story I'm in the middle of posting now, Agents of Surrender, is one of my favorites, and it is very mysterious because you guys don't know what the hidden enemy is -- by the end of it you will know at least part of it. Currently I'm putting off work on the RPG a bit so I can write the next epic, which delves in more deeply into this enemy, the history of an important one, and Kopaka's struggle to deal with the enemy's attacks. The action, to me at least, is exhilerating. But this is a story where for the first time I'm attempting what Bionicle did with Metru Nui -- I first begin to explain some of the background and details about one of my big mysteries. It's uncharted territory for me as a writer, and it's a constant struggle to avoid giving away too much too fast, yet not confuse the reader. There are mysteries, that's for sure. For one, Bhukasa, the non-Matoran guy you met in the bonus episode, shows up for the first time chronologically, and beleive me, I'm not telling you guys a thing about his past yet. :P There are deeper levels to the plans of the hidden enemy that are not revealed. But how to emphasize the mystery of all this and make that enjoyable in and of itself? Tough thing to do, especially since as the one who knows the answers I'm "writing blind."

Which is why I am so thankful for stories like Lost and Bionicle. They allow me as a writer to see through the eyes of readers in a way. I know as little about the deep secrets behind them as yall know about the Paracosmos. It's an invaluable resource. I'm not active in the Lost community, but I obviously am in the Bionicle one. That topic I made about the Myterious Feel shows that a lot of people have big disagreements over what is mysterious and what is not. I and many others found Metru Nui very mysterious, because even as old, lingering questions were answered, about ten more popped up alongside it. Others found the fact that anything was answered at all ruined mystery for them. This year of course, we've got probably the most mysterious island in Bionicle yet, other than the fact that Mata Nui being the first made it seem more mysterious than it was, and yet some complaints have already been put forth that it's not mysterious enough. Mystery seems a very hard fish to catch and keep caught. It's slippery because by its very nature we don't understand it.

The best we can do is try, and learn from other stories... I hope that as you Paracosmos fans are led deeper into the "Classified Information" you enjoy my attempt! :popcorn:


Recommended Comments

Mystery's a fickle mistress, it would seem. But I can assure you, you're doing just fine on those stories. The writing is superb, and the conflict wonderfully done, both internal, and externally. Superb.


It's quite fun to see the how, and why people do what they do, you know? Mystery is such an important part of the human drama. Without it, there'd be so much less. Every decision made in life carries with it a sense of mystery, of the unknown future. What happens next?


Well done.



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Ah yes; suspense and mistery, two of the biggest tools that a writer can use, and also the two taht can give the biggest troubles. First, let me just add that I've indeed read all of the BP until now bones; the first epic and the 4 SS on a day, and I read the beggining of AoS just the oher day; although I haven't been able to review due to my busy schedul, that doesn't mean that the story doesn't uninterest me, quite by the contrary.


First, let me just point out this little thing, the fact that I too have a series of epics and short stories, and up until this point they only consist on extensions and turn-arounds on the original storyline, taht slowly conjure up as a puzzle. I think 've been quite sucessfull with that structuration, even though I still have to fix two temporal mistakes that up until now nobody noticed(but, like I'm sure you'll understand, this bugs the mind of the writer a lot).


The BP, is a series taht I found quite interesting, due toits deviation from the storyline, and the presence of the source for deviation, even though it's covered by mistery. In fact, I have to admit that since I first saw the banner of the BP I thought 'Now, this must be quitean interesting epic, yet, storyline perfect, coming from bones', or something along those lines.


Yet, what most fascinated me in the BP was inf act, the overall sense of mistery,of something misplaced, of small clues left in the descriptions and events, on the small subintended prophecies, on the recurring circumstances(okay, now I'm going too much like when I examine 'The Maias' in my portuguese class :P )...


Yes, indeed mistery is a very difficult sword to focus your power through, but you manage to do it quite well, something I love in your stories, and for that I congratulate you. But hey, the task is hard on all of us, we can only hope for the some good luck/skill that will really help us; otherwise, what are we but empty Matoran, deprived of their Kanohi to live?


Putting a BP review on my to-do list as I sign off and anxiously waiting for the next chapter.



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Reeeeeally long entry...


I didn't read the second half, but I read the stuff about LOST. Great show. I started watching it from the beginning of the second season. Very interesting... I was confused for the first couple of episodes, though...

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Thanks for the comments on the BP, DV and Drexer! ^_^


... even though I still have to fix two temporal mistakes that up until now nobody noticed(but, like I'm sure you'll understand, this bugs the mind of the writer a lot).

Oh, definately, lol.



Putting a BP review on my to-do list as I sign off and anxiously waiting for the next chapter.



Still waiting on that review. :P *kidding*


Reeeeeally long entry...


I didn't read the second half, but I read the stuff about LOST. Great show. I started watching it from the beginning of the second season. Very interesting... I was confused for the first couple of episodes, though...

I was lucky/unlucky enough to come in for the season finale of season 1--lucky 'cuz when I got to see the first episodes, then go through in order, I wasn't really confused. Unlucky 'cuz I already knew the monster was black smoke, and lotsa other things that probably ruined some of the mystery for me. But it was still rocking fun, so no harm done. :D



Edit October 2nd 2007:


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