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Kanohi Dragon


What? It's that giant kingfisher that lives in Australia!


So I went to the local little zoo today. The main reason: the latest news letter said that they got kookaburras now! I've always been fascinated by them ever since I had watched a video about them with the "Kookaburra Song" in it when I was little, so I was quite excited when I found out.


There's two of them, and they have a nice little enclosure next to the goats. They were right in the front when I got there and I must say, they're absolutely beautiful. The patterns of the feathers looks really neat. Kookaburras are really big though! 0_0 I thought they were much smaller, so that was a surprise for me.


I got to hear their call too! I had walked away, and was heading to see the emus, when they called out. It such a cool call for a bird to have. It's pretty, yet it makes you laugh. :lol: I started cracking up when I heard it. It made my day though.


The zoo has been adding a lot of new animals lately, but I think the kookaburras are definitely my favorite new addition. :)


Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree

Merry, merry king of the bush is he

Laugh kookaburra, laugh

Kookaburra, gay your life must be


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High Five for remembering super old song!

-High Fives-


As I remember, they're kind of Blueish-Gray, right?

And they have a fuzzy buzz cut top?


*Googles some pictures*


EDIT: Off about the color, I was thinking about a Kingfisher, I think. :P

But I was right about the Buzzcut! >8D


[-The Alchemyst-]

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XD, old songs are the best!

*hi-fives back*


Eh, couldn't tell too much about the buzzcut though. I don't have my glasses at the moment, so it's a bit hard for me to see.

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