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Will Work For Food



As of this entry, I am still very much unemployed. And by no means is it by choice. The big problem is my class schedule. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are fine...as I've only got the one class, but Tuesday and Thursday is a nightmare. With three classes over the course of 8 hours, there's no opening for me to squeeze in a day on the job. A lot of places would prefer that an employee work 5 days a week, and many of the places I've applied to are M-F/9-5 jobs.


I am fortunate however, to have found one place that seems interested in hiring me. I've been interviewed once, and asked back for a second. It's a very popular establishment, which means I'll never have to worry about finding something to do. And it's also the kind of place that is open late at night, which means even with my class schedule I'll still be able to get in a decent shift in the evenings.


The biggest benefit to working there, though, would be that it's food service. Over the last 5-6 years of working, I've gotten to know how various foods places work. To top it off, it's style of service is very similar to the last place I worked, which would hopefully make for a short period of adjustment. I'm crossing my fingers that it works out.


...Now, I'm kind of superstitous. It's why I haven't said much about this until now. I'm still not sure what to think, so I'm not going to name the place or act like I've got the job. The last time I did that, it turned out not to be the case. So hopefully you'll understand if the next update doesn't come until I've found out either way.


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No offense, but I always said I'd slash my wrists before working in food service.

Not that I had any room to talk later: my engineering degree and I spent 11 weeks pushing carts at Wal-Mart.



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No offense, but I always said I'd slash my wrists before working in food service.

My three years of CIS right now are chomping at the bit to get an internship and get finished up with college. But the important thing right now is making ends meet. I'll worry about a career when that time comes.

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