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Fuwa, The Beijing Olympic Mascots!





There they are. The fuwa. I saw them while on my trip to China last year, and got the red and green one, as well as a counterfeit black one which we got at a market in Tenjing. They're freakin awesome. rock559 says he wants the yellow one.


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:lol: but in China they say they're cursed, and are no longer the "good luck babies" but the "bad luck babies." They blame the earthquakes on the black one because a lot of pandas live around there, the red one for trouble internationally with the olympic torch, the yellow one for trouble in Tibet because a lot of antelopes are in Tibet, the green for a train wreck in "Kite City" because the bird on his head is called a kite, and the blue one for floods. So supersticious, my ancestors are. At least half of them. The other half is English, Norwegian, Chezchoslovokian, and some Scandinavian.
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Lol, what a trainwreck of logical thinking.


One of my main beefs with China is how they treat their animals.

To this day, it's still custom to eat living things we here would refer to as "loving pets".

On top of that (here's the superstitions again) it seems that EVERY endangered animal just happens to be a... a uh... well, an aphrodesiac or to heighten virility... so much so to the point that these animals are made even CLOSER to extinction, their "special parts" ground up into powder, and sold in herbal homeopathic type stores.


What was it Ghandi said, something like "You can judge the success of a nation's character by the way they treat their animals."


(Or something like that)...

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Yeah...but you have to admit that these little guys are pretty darn awesome. My mom says I look like the green one and my brother the red. That's because my brother's hair is so poofy it looks like the fire on the red one's head.

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