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At-te Review



Yesh, I finally got pics up. :)


AT-TE Review


Front: Not bad. I like how it has four blasters and that the cockpit has some dark red. However, I'd prefer the trans-green from the old one to the dark glass on this one. The hidden cannons idea is also quite nice. When you pull up that flap, it pushes on the launching mechanism, firing the missle. The way the cockpit has a chair thingy is also sweet. :D


Sides: I like the sides. They're well armored, except near the middles legs, and that's because those can pivot. The disks on all the legs are awesome. :D However, the back part doesn't look good at all, what with that piece hanging out.


Back: Like I said before, the back isn't so great. The two turrets kinda mess up the flow and the way the back part hangs out is horrible.


Legs: They're okay. They could stand to be filled in a bit more, but other then that hole, they're fine. The actual feet are pretty sweet though.


Cannon: I love the cannon. It's long, poseable, and just plain awesome. My only problem with it is that the gunner is too far away from the "controls" (There isn't really any control panel).


Front Seats/Inside: The inside is blech. There are holes everywhere, and I don't see why they'd give you so many seats when it only comes with two Clones. Behind the seats, though, is some kind of storage box.


Back Seats: I pulled out the platform that holds the seats so you could see 'em better. As you can see, it has holders for four guns and four Clones. That puts the seat number at 7, including the driver and not including the gunner. I <3 Rotta. =P


There's this one thing that I don't know what it's for. It apparently can go up or down, and is sturdy enough to hold up the whole thing when I pick it up.


STAP: It's not that bad. Simple, and I like the colors.


Here are the characters.


Here's the gallery. You can see the WIP pics and Rex with his accessories. He comes with two flashlight things, a visor, and two rangefinders.


And no, I didn't put the stickers on. I'll probably use the pieces later on...


Overall, this is worth every penny of that $90. :D


So that's it. If you guys want more pics or something, just tell me. I'm going to TRU tomorrow and I'm probably going to pick up the HSP.



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