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Shellshocking News, Dudes & Dudettes!

Schizo Kaita


Fifth entry for today, a new personal record! But this news needs sharing:


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That's right, dudes! 2007 will bring us a totally tubular and most awesomely bodacious CGI movie, starring our favourite shell-toting mutant ninjas: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Watch the trailer, and rejoice!


I still like the original live-action movie best. Old school FTW.



Which brings me to another point: I really need to find a place where they sell Image's TMNT comics.


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As opposed to most of the Mirage Turtle comics, these were much more alternative and even had Raph join the Foot clan. Though I hear the latest Tales of the TMNT series isn't all that bad either.


And in case you were wondering: yes, I am a Turtles fan, and one from back in the day, too.


(Crud, now I need a new category...)


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Turtle Power! Dude, this is awesomely bodacious. Pizza cowabunga gnarly [There, did I get them all?]


I've been waiting for this. because of the surprisingly not terrible cartoon, them green ninjas are getting a proper revival. And since we're getting a Transformers movie next year as well, the Smurfs can't be too far behind.

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I've been waiting for this. because of the surprisingly not terrible cartoon, them green ninjas are getting a proper revival. And since we're getting a Transformers movie next year as well, the Smurfs can't be too far behind.

Yeah, the latest cartoon was even better than the original, that is, when it comes to style and tempo. It'll never have the same nostalgic value as the original series, even though it's not as magical when one watches it now. The hardest part is stopping myself from buying the new toys. I've got plenty of the original ones in the attic already, lol. :lol:

A Smurf CGI movie? I hope not. I've got some good childhood memories about the comics and cartoons - a movie like that would completely ruin it. Just look at the Garfield movies:


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Hey schizo,if you're interested,i got 3 turtle movies(VHS) lying around(anime,old style,with that rhino,the brain in a robot .)lenght:about 25 minutes each?It says"Teenage mutant hero turtles" on the back

I'll give them for a lowe price(one toa olda for all three)

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The old episodes? Don't really need them. I've got one of those, and they're the dubbed versions. I'm only looking for the old movie on DVD, or even a DVD box with all three (even though the third one was a bit ridiculous).

As if I'd trade my Toa Olda for anything, lol. :P

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Can't blame a guy for trying.I got 2 about dimension X and teenagers,and 1 about a crystal,.I really need to get rid of some of my VHS tapes,Heck,i'd be glad to get a few masks for them.I got 40 tapes occupying closet space.Although a few are worth it:pirates of the carribean,chronicles of riddick,...;i just got to get rid of some of those old ones.

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A fellow old-school turtle fan. Very cool. Don't know if I'm as excited for this movie as I am the TF movie also in 2007 (could be a fun year for nostalgia)


But oh dude, I've got all my old Turtles stuff in a box somewhere in the garage back home. I should seriously go in there someday and figure out what I all have. Because seriously, it's been a long time since I got those out.

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I should probably check out what these old toys are worth. I wouldn't sell them all, but some of these... I mean, Diving Action Mike, WTH? Or Spitting Action Surf Raph? What the heck were they thinking when they made these? And what was I thinking when I bought them?


Still, there's a lot of good stuff in there, too. The 'transforming' sets were pretty cool. And Metalhead, or whatever he's called: one of my first two Turtle toys, gotta love that shiny gold turtle shell, much more snazzy than Lego's gold.

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Don't forget the DudeNuvas! :P




Anyways, I never thought they would remake TMNT, but I think this will be a must-see. (As soon as I finally see Dead Man's Chest.)



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I should probably check out what these old toys are worth. I wouldn't sell them all, but some of these... I mean, Diving Action Mike, WTH? Or Spitting Action Surf Raph? What the heck were they thinking when they made these? And what was I thinking when I bought them?

Don't ask me. I think I own 10 or so different versions of Raph. Those transforming ones were awesome. I think somewhere I have the Splinter that turns into the Turtles van.

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