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Day 6



Today= MIGRAINE!!!!! :wacko: I had one all day. I didn't want to move at all, nauseated, pain to light, which was everywhere, and it couldn't get worse than that. Literally, it didn't it got better :P . Wednesday at my school is graded papers, today was just for review of what we did the past week. Easy stuff, so I have 100 A+ in all of my classes :pirate: . Well, it got a wee bit bad in Geometry, we had to work in groups while my teacher got our stuff ready to hand out. I just had to be a math genius. EVERYONE needed my help... I just had to be in 6th hour Geometry. But anyway, today was so-so, good grades in my classes, bad migraine all day.


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That's exactly how it was last year in Geometry. "Yo John! Get ova here!"


But dued, my nose has been running the past few days. I don't know where it all comes from. It's got to run out sometime!!!


And if you reply with some "your nose is running away hahaha" joke, you won't live to see Friday. :)

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Wawa,youre..No,forget it,i still got a game on saturday.(basketball)

Soyou got school already,i still have,a week and 2 day's left.Oh,crud.


i'm gona come back here tomorrow just to see if someone dares to say that joke.(I know a few who would)

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