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Totally Nice Tips To Make You A "really Cool Dude"



So, if you've ever not gotten a reply from a PM, because the member just ignores your silly PM and goes on with his/her life? Well, here's how to get a reply or at least a read for ANY personal message, even if it's just a typo-fixing message.


1. Use message titles that grab your attention! Some good ideas are :


"Dear *name*, my pants are off right now."


"I spam a lot, ban me!"

"My alt account is named *expletive*"

"Fo' shiz, *nameiz*!"

"MARRY ME OR I WILL *complete gibberish here*!"


2. I cannot stress enough the importance of using expletives in message titles, even if you have to bypass the censor to do it. Also, mentioning any losses of clothing is GOOD!


3. Include some twists and turns in your drama that is your typo suggestion!


"And then the Evil A destroyed the poor E, and was cast into oblivion forevermore."


4. Avoid cliches, but ignorant stereotyping and complete nonsense are OOOOO-TAY!


5. Avoid commenting on family members in insults - attack the pets instead.


This will be sure to give you attention in the form of multiple warn increases! Yay!


Now you know what to do. :D


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This makes so much sense! I'm going to write all my PMs like this! :P

"I spam a lot, ban me!"

"My alt account is named *expletive*"

Yeah, don't really want to say those when PMing a staff member. :lol: Especially an Admin.

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L&P, I'm glad I could advance your BZP career by leaps and bounds (backwards). :)


Just in case anyone didn't notice, it is indeed sarcasm.



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I don't know if I'll give Exo +50 or -50 Intelligence points, now...


(By the way, you won't get warn increases, but Proto drops! :))


But I'll stick to my PMs named "Pie", thank you. :)

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L&P, I'm glad I could advance your BZP career by leaps and bounds (backwards). :)


Just in case anyone didn't notice, it is indeed sarcasm.

It is? Darn...I guess its to late to take back that PM I sent...



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Just in case anyone didn't notice, it is indeed sarcasm.



... let's hope new BZP members don't take this seriously. :fear:

I am!


Okay, maybe not, but I might do the same thing except toning it down a bit. :P

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You mean we should ignore this sheer genious idea?

The one thing that will revolutionize the web (and cut it's popularity in half)?


If that's what you meant, then I completely agree.

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OMG Exo you almost made me choke on my rasin bread/get the other two slices back. Don't do it again.


Aaand, nice ideas! I'll never have to worry about having a Moderator view my PMs again. [/trickcomment]


~ :kakamanu: ~

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