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Why So Serious?



Okay, so I saw the Dark Night tonight, at Imax. And I think it turns out I have vertigo--all those rooftop shots, y'know?


So the effects were nice, what with all the explosions, things breaking, buildings falling apart or losing chunks out of them. I think more glass broke than there were people the theater... But anyway, the fight scenes were also awesome. I was amused at the point where Joker first faced Batman. Ultimately, I was just glad to see him get knocked down a peg. REJECTION.


For all the stuff I've heard about the lack of humor, I found parts of it funny. I guess it was the irony really. It wasn't comedic relief, but it wasn't like there was nothing to laugh at. For those who've seen the movie, one particular costume of Joker's was hilarious.


Very dark, though, but I'm not complaining. Ledger did a very nice job, and so did Bale, though I was more impressed with the former. I'm not gonna rant about acting, though; anyone who cares has probably read a review. The point being, it was worth the two and a half hours.


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