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A Starting Point



The girl stared at the large doors that stood before her. They towered over her, a pair of sentinels to whatever lands the doors barred her from, deterring any thought of making a clear path through.


She was young, though not too young. People have labelled her a girl, and a lady. She did not like either at this point in time. Neither might, no, would have the strength to heave those foreboding doors ajar.


She probably could. She had build, if she had to say anything about herself first. She was not a stick, and was not a far cry from the svelte Asian stereotype many people think of when the regional word is spoken.


Her oval-shaped features had doubt etched on it. Liquid brown, near ebony, pupils against white wash, the two eyes gave a series of saccades as it swept across the fine detail the doors had, and smooth fingertips ran across the cold metal surface of those doors. She drew them away after a second's contact. The cold felt strange.


A shock of black textured hair capped her head, and was finished off by a thick but feminine set of eyebrows, a perky nose that framed her mid-high cheekbones and lips that were slightly misshapen due to the lower lip having more weight than the upper and shorter lip. Clad in a white sleeved top with a silver star, outlined with a thick black frame, at chest level and jeans that flared at her ankles, she looked the typical teenager one would have seen on the streets, save that she was alone, before the doors.


How was one to break through? How could one enter?


A breath escaped from her frame, a deep sigh, and the metallic doors parted before her slightly, a crack between the two separate surfaces.


Light spewed from the crack the ajar doors made, and engulfed the human.






Now, now, I guess it must have been... rude... for me to frighten you, poor reader.


I won't follow the exact guidelines of the 'First Post', seeing that many many many blogs sport that.


I want to try something new.


Above had given a description of me. My name? Well, it's <daydreamer>. My BZP alias will remain my BZP alias in BZP territory. If you do find my other alias in here (if it does come up), well, it still isn't my real name but close enough. There are enough 'What's Your Real Name' topics for you to filter through to find me. Go figure.


And will I use this as a medium to show you what I have done? I'll just post the link(s) up by the Links section of this blog, and probably only mention of my current work once in a while, if nothing else is worthy of mention here.


What do I do?


I'm a fanfiction writer. The Bionicle fandom had, unfortunately, been my first victim, and suffered the onslaught of a Sue - an epic that failed to capture the characteristics of the canon characters properly - and the hysteria-inducing excuse of my first story. It now is, as I read it again, not worth anyone's time to read.


However, I progressed, and I'm still progressing with an epic that's currently in progress.


I'm an epic critic. The Epic Critics Club was the predecessor of the R&R Squad (what the abbrieviation meant, I can't quite recall.) which quietly slipped into the flow of dead topics. Right now, I consider it as my online job, where the pay is the stories I read and the comments and progress afterwards the member/author makes. It's a better pay than money, some would agree with me.


That leads me to who I must thank for this... err-hem, excuse of a blog... to be born.


Thank you thank you Twenty-Two, fellow critic and newfound friend! This Lifetime Premier Membership was your call, not mine, and though I feel no guilt and a lot of ecstacy towards this Premier-status, I still say that you should not have used your money on someone you barely knew! (I'm just a critic on a website, some foreigner elsewhere whom you know not an inkling of save that she's a girl!) I never deserved it, but thank you once again!


Do I have friends other than Twenty-Two here? Yes. Should I mention them all? Nope. If their identities wander into here, they may whap me up.


And do I dig Bionicle only? Transformers had made its way into my fandom-filled imagination. No, I won't post my links from there to here! I think the Administrators would be too happy to cleave off my head if I did that! No, find me on fanfiction.net . Find me.


And what of my Real Life? It may come in here. My wonderful Life may not be worth the musing, but it would be something, other than staring at a laptop twenty-four-seven!


I think I will wrap it up here. For now.


For this is barely the starting point.


(PS, if this interests you all, this is my second blog. I have another blog, outside BZP. If you find it [by all miracles, you found it!] and want to comment, DON'T COMMENT THERE! COMMENT HERE INSTEAD!

Thank you very much!)




Recommended Comments

... Whereas I both read and comprehended the entirety of which Cap'n Exo speaks. What does that make me? Out three minutes. >.<


No, no, no! Your blog is very nice. Please, continue.



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... Whereas I both read and comprehended the entirety of which Cap'n Exo speaks. What does that make me? Out three minutes. >.<


No, no, no! Your blog is very nice. Please, continue.




Really? Yes, these two replies will make great references for my next entry. Yes... yes, they will...


And I'm trying not to sound evil.


Thank you, you two! The first few reviews or replies do make an impact. And BCii! What a surprise! I honestly thought you weren't sticking around here so much! Your evanescent quality had me fooled.


And Cap'n Exo was prompt in making his comment the first in my blog. Well done, dude!



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Wow. Best BioLog intro I've read in a while. I should check out some of your own fan fiction - if it's as skillfully written as this, it must be mind-blowing.

*adds Rantings of the Haven to favourites*

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Wow. Best BioLog intro I've read in a while. I should check out some of your own fan fiction - if it's as skillfully written as this, it must be mind-blowing.

*adds Rantings of the Haven to favourites*


Best Biolog? :lol: Well, that's a great compliment, especially from someone the likes of you! And no, that was what you would call 'a spurt of inspiration, with imagination'.


My current fanfiction, especially the old ones, have none or hardly any of that sort. I'm learning, though. Have to say that your works are good learning material.



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<dd> has a blog! :lol: I didn't expect to see this... Very unique blog introduction with fantastic writing throughout, though particularly in the "story" part. Love the self-description. ^_^


Wow, you have quite a way with words that I hadn't noticed before; probably because I haven't read your epics. See what I miss out on? :lookaround:


I'll be checking for updates. ^^ *Favorites*



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<dd> has a blog! :lol: I didn't expect to see this... Very unique blog introduction with fantastic writing throughout, though particularly in the "story" part. Love the self-description. ^_^


Wow, you have quite a way with words that I hadn't noticed before; probably because I haven't read your epics. See what I miss out on? :lookaround:


I'll be checking for updates. ^^ *Favorites*




Yes, I do have a blog! And thanks for the comments!


No, no, you won't find that sort of description so easily in my stories. Probably more so in here instead, as this is the percolation pool, and in it, the strangest of styles and words tumble forth.


There I go again.


You did not miss out on much, save the new short story I wrote.



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