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Amazing Yumminess~



I just made some Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo for lunch....and my goodness it is sooo delicious <3


The recipe called for cream cheese (And this is a new recipe I was messing around with) And my brother's don't like cream cheese. I was like "Well, whatever we'll try it and see what happens" So, I didn't tell any of them what was in it and made them each try it, and they LOVED it. When I asked them what they thought the base ingredient was, they had no idea, I told them and they were in disbelief! They never knew something could taste so good.



haha, anyways, they all ate it happily, and it was soooo yummmmyyy!




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Oh maaaan that sounds so good *drool*


I've never tried cream cheese with Fettuccine alfredo, just Parmesan/cream... It certainly looks like it'll be tasty though!

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oooh weird, that reminds me of once when I ate ice cream made with ricotta cheese.


I usually just make fettucine alfredo by tossing hot fresh pasta(I don't have a thing against dried pasta, but the one time I cooked dried fettucini it was all sticky and stuff and the noodles were too thick) with butter, Parmesan Reggiano, and fresh nutmeg. Apparently it's the original way it was made before it was Americanized, says Mario Batali. Nevertheless, it tastes amazing and is super simple.


wow and here I sit just finishing off my breakfast while you talk about eating lunch XD.

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The pasta may have been sticky because the water wasn't hot enough and there wasn't enough salt in it, a rolling boil makes sure the pasta isn't all stick.


omg we should talk about food more often

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Bio, yeah well like the cream cheese was the sauce base (It's what made it thick & stuff) ;D


SK, haha, it was eaten up too quickly to get a picture!


Andrew, you've gotta get me that recipe, sounds great! I made mine with Butter, cream cheese, garlic powder (We didn't have any garlic cloves around, those probably would've been better T__T) milk, pepper, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese & of course, chicken breasts cubed. (We happened to have chicken last night, so we just used the leftovers) Melted it all (Step by step) & mixed it all in together, let it boil & thicken a bit, and it was great. Yummy.


Yeah, like Bio Said, Rolling boil & lightly salt it ;)


Bio, yeah totally. I LOVE FOOD. x3 (You can't tell though, I'm one of those lucky people with the high metabolism. ;3) We should all give eachother cooking tips. x3


Nevertheless, it was superb!



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(You can't tell though, I'm one of those lucky people with the high metabolism. ;3)

Me too, but I don't consider myself lucky... I never gain weight when I want to. :P

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The pasta may have been sticky because the water wasn't hot enough and there wasn't enough salt in it, a rolling boil makes sure the pasta isn't all stick.


omg we should talk about food more often

You're probably right. I made it like a year ago when I wasn't so skillz. But I still like the fresh stuff anyhow. I usually just keep around some bow-tie or rotini pasta for convenience


Bio, yeah well like the cream cheese was the sauce base (It's what made it thick & stuff) ;D


SK, haha, it was eaten up too quickly to get a picture!


Andrew, you've gotta get me that recipe, sounds great! I made mine with Butter, cream cheese, garlic powder (We didn't have any garlic cloves around, those probably would've been better T__T) milk, pepper, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese & of course, chicken breasts cubed. (We happened to have chicken last night, so we just used the leftovers) Melted it all (Step by step) & mixed it all in together, let it boil & thicken a bit, and it was great. Yummy.


Yeah, like Bio Said, Rolling boil & lightly salt it ;)


Bio, yeah totally. I LOVE FOOD. x3 (You can't tell though, I'm one of those lucky people with the high metabolism. ;3) We should all give eachother cooking tips. x3


Nevertheless, it was superb!



Yeah it's just 1/2 cup butter cut into 1/8inch dice, 1/4 cup parmesan, pinch of nutmeg and just toss with the hot pasta (1lb, I usually use less because I like more sauce than this book makes - some italian thing where they don't have lots of sauce) until it melts and using a bit of the pasta water if it's too thick. Ironically after looking back for the recipe I realized it doesn't even call for nutmeg, but I add nutmeg to everything based on milk cause I like it sooo much.


Weird, I'll have to try that sometime, it seems like the cream cheese takes the place of flour in what would be a regular cheese sauce.


Yeah I love food too! I hope to be a chef or something when I'm older.

Haha and I am so lucky too with my high metabolism. I load up on the fattening foods. I had three creme brulees one day and didn't gain a pound. And I'm actually a below average weight too.



(You can't tell though, I'm one of those lucky people with the high metabolism. ;3)

Me too, but I don't consider myself lucky... I never gain weight when I want to. :P

Why would you want to gain weight?

I'm actually kinda sad cause my weight used to be these 3 special numbers rearranged until I grew.

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Why would you want to gain weight?

I'm a little thinner than I should be for my age, nothing dramatic but it'd be nice to have a little more meat around maah bonez.

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i like being skinneh. lawl. I know though, so many people tell me "you need to get fat, eat this" I'm like lol. "I'm good"



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