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Entry 17


Okay... As you may or may not have heard, there was a slightly larger than normal earthquake in Southern California today. Its official Richter Scale rating is 5.4 at the epicenter and 5.8 at the focus. By the time the waves reached my house it was about a 3, or about one thousand times less intense. No one was seriously injured I've heard but I just want to give you my personal account.


I was in the shower, and suddenly I felt dizzy, you know like that feeling when you stand up to fast and all the blood rushes out of your head. I thought this because I was in a confined area and the walls were moving back and forth, but since the were my only reference point, I thought my own body was swaying as if I was about to pass out. Next, I noticed the familiar movement of the glass on my shower door, it is very distinctive during an earthquake, causing me to realize what it was.


And all of the sudden, "BOOM BOOM BOOM", my little sister started pounding on the door (we were the only two home), horrified. I shut off the water, and dress as swiftly as I could so as to reassure her it is safe. She wouldn't let me leave the room she was in until my mother or one of our older sisters got home.


While this is not entirely exciting, it reminds me of an earthquake that occurred at about the same time of summer last year. I had just gotten Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and stayed up as late as possible to read it in one go. I was having a weird dream with Voldemort and such in it and he points his wand at me and there was a flash of green light, and then the whole house started shaking. I finally realized it was an earthquake, and found myself drenched in sweat. It was about two in the morning, but I could here my oldest and youngest sisters crying (the oldest was traumatized during the Northridge quake or something). I fell asleep again that night on the couch with my dog.


Anyhoo, later today I had an orthodontist appointment (braces suck) and usually they have a movie playing in the lobby/waiting area. I was glad to see that it was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, but the weird part was when I walked into the exam room, or whatever, and saw a bunch of Indy merchandise, and they were playing Indy music and stuff. I guess Dr. Austin is a big Jones fan like myself.



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Yea the earthquake was a shocker I was taking care of my little sister and noticed the earthquake and i couldnt open the door and im very active just in case there are more.

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