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Bionicle Hangman





You all know what Hangman is right? If not, see below. Well this is Bionicle Hangman, you can only use Bionicle words. So you can use the word Visorak, but not the word Apple. If you win a round, you are Host for the next round. You must wait for confirmation from the host that you've won before you post up the next round.


Example of play:


Host says: _ _ _ _ _ _: 10 lives


Player 1 says: A?


Player 2 says: T?


Host says: A, yes. T, no.

_ _ _A_A : 9 lives


Player 2 says: K?


Host says: _ _ _AKA: 9 lives


Player 1 says: Piraka?


Host says: Yes.


Now Player 1 is host. Every time someone guesses a wrong letter the lives go down one. Every time someone guesses the actual word wrong is minus 2 lives. If nobody gets it and all the lives are gone, the host for that round hosts the next round too.


Okay, let's begin. :)


_ _ _ _ _ _:10 lives


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