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Things I Did



I have recently updated my epic Angels Among Us. Somehow I did the first chapter really good and I just don't know how it had the least grammatical mistakes along with someone's favorite...the answer eludes me. (Go check it out! I beg of you! If you would like a link it would be in my sig which leads to my library and from there the link to the epic exists, I just need some reviews and reviewers so I can at least feel motivated to continue it)


I went swimming yet again, after that boredom ensued, I read 100 pages of The Clone Republic which IMO is quite a fun read.


I'm going to see a movie on Friday be it The Mummy, or Hancock (I'm hoping for the latter)


-In other news Kachz is leaving the site for an idefinate amount of time and I would just like to say that I am sad for his leaving, but life comes first and if he thinks it is the best thing to do, I would have to agree.


-In more news I have th ejob of shamelessly advertising the Unexpected RPG in CoT to any who wish to play. I'm having fun with it, but recently it has grinded to a halt due to some inactive players and I can't do much. I would appreciate it if any of you RPG players would go and maybe just check it out.


(Not my RPG BTW)


That's all I have to say...


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I'll review your epic if you review mine. So there.


I do NOT want to see the Mummy at all, and I still have to see Get Smart and Indiana Jones. And I heard Hancock was...okay, at best.


I hope Omi never leaves...


And...I don't play non-videogame RPGs.

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Eh, I'm quiting the editin' thing, I'll let Smeag keep that..


I'm reading Crossroads and I can't comprehend its awesomeness. I'll read yours when I can fit it in between everything.


I like some online RPGs, but I feel incredibly nerdy playing them, although I'll Play FF when I can get my hands on a copy, along with ME, and some other console related RPGs. (Playing RPGs has helped my writing skillz a lot)


Omi ain't leaving, I asked him about it and he seemed very confused, until it is I clarified everything. So Omi is staying wit us. I have also heard that Kachz is also staying. =D

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Ever played Golden Sun? Cool game, however much Zhalath claims it's an FF rip-off. Omi is too awesome to leave.


And for a reading of my epic, keep in mind that's it's in the same plot as Cold Fusion, and is very confusing, at least in the first chapter. I'm almost done with it.

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I'll keep that in mind when I can read it. Omi is beyond awesome, his radiance blinds us all in awesomosity.


I can't say anything to keep in mind for my epic, except I kept Ziva and Xira and bit out of character...that is planned to be fixed.

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Golden Sun?!?!


I love that game!!!


Ahem..yep. I just had to say that. I don't read Epics. Like, ever. They're all so..epic. I don't have time. Or concentration. :P But I read SPIRIT's CSI: Metru Nui. I don't know why I did, but it was good. So if I have a brief moment of insanity again, I may get started on your Epic, and then when I regain sanity I'll have to finish it. :D

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I'm not an epic reader either >< The last one I read was "Trapped" by Sith BK *Not his exact name, I don't even know what name he uses anymore ><* I loved that epic for some reason, and I was sad when it ended...now I moved on to Crossroads, I can't fathom how amazing it is...I'm only in chapter four or so...
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