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Stop, Drop, And Roll!





Entry 37


Well today was all over the place.


I wake up at 4 a.m. to a throbbing headache, I got to the bathroom and put a soaking cold wet towel on my head hoping it will help. ( it didn't ) So I took two IB Prophin's and forced myself to sleep, how I don't know, I just realized I had fallen asleep after waking up at 9 a.m in the morning with my head hurting a little still.


Anyway, took a shower, and ate an early lunch at 11, then was taken over to my girlfriends house so I could give her brother a Lesson. I did, he did really well, and I gave him a new piece of music to sight read which he did really well on, but he still needs to work on rhythm.


Oh well, but during the lesson, he bent down from the couch to grab a piece of music that fell off the stand and while I was waiting for him to get it, I started to stare off out the window. Then I realized we were moving back and forth and I thought at first someone was moving the couch for some random reason. O.o then I realized it was an earthquake, I herd my girlfriend excitedly say "Earthquake!" and I started to laugh, and then looked over at her brother and we just laughed and waited for it to be over. It was kind of a weird earthquake, just lagging, it was just a slow shaking and it eventually got boring.


Although, it wasn't boring for the people at the epicenter, I feel bad for them, the news finally confirmed later that it was a 5.4, and not 5.8, felt like a 2.7 from here.


Anyway then I finished Doks comic entry, and drew some more.


That was my boring day,







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Yeah, apparently there was a earthquake yesterday, I wasn't even really aware of it because I live on the east coast...


Wait.. did you say you had a headache in the morning? It must be a sign that your headaches predict earthquakes!

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Yeah, apparently there was a earthquake yesterday, I wasn't even really aware of it because I live on the east coast...


Wait.. did you say you had a headache in the morning? It must be a sign that your headaches predict earthquakes!

either that, or he got the headache from the earthquake


wait, that would be reaversed. :blink:



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