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Content Blocks And Mistika!



I added a content block! I think it looks cool, and adds a lot to the blog. What do you think?

If anyone can think of anything I should add to it, let me know. I have the personal photo, rank image, proto, spinny, and some other stuff, but it seems like a short list... :shrugs:

That's really it for now. Oh, I guess I should also add that I changed my banner and av again. I'm making the link to my blog a little more obvious now ("my blog"; you think anyone will realize where it leads to? :P), and I'm going with a Darth Revan theme now. For anyone who doesn't know, Revan=the coolest Sith Lord/Jedi/Star Wars character ever.

I'm probably gonna try to get the Mistika today. Tahu and Krika, my two faves. If K-Mart's price is still $10, I'll only have to pay 20, but I'm bringing $30 just in case.

And I think I'll try to get people to comment here by asking a question. Did you get the Mistika, which ones did you get, and what are your favorites? I've already told you Tahu and Krika are my favorites (Tahu cuz he's Tahu, which is awesome :P, and he's also the only Mistika Nuva with anything resembling a melee weapon; Krika cuz he's huge, white, and awesome).

If I get the Mistika, I'll update again to let you know. Until then, I'm


EDIT: Tried to do an extract with the Mistika question. Didn't like it. :P


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Umm... You want comments? Deselect the option where you have to approve all comments. ;)

I don't have any Mistika, though I'm getting some this weekend.

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