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I Saw A Movie =d



I finally saw Hancock, I liked the whole concept of how he saves people, by destroying everything else and having a bottle of booze in hand. It was funny, and it was sad...more near the end it was sad, but it all cheered up.


I bought what I thought was a small soda, the thing was friggin' huge! It was called a small, but it was twice the size of anything I've ever drunk out of. I ended up drinking it all and now I feel sickish... great way to end the day <<


And I'm sitting on the floor with this on my bed...I dunno why.


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Hmm. I thought the movie looked good. Haven't seen it yet though.


I like misnomers, when I get more than I thought I would. :)


My bed is covered with Bionicle pieces. It has been for about a week. I've been sleeping on body pillows on the floor. :P I usually put my pieces in a box but I go on MOCing streaks. [/rant] Because that had something to do with you saying you were on the floor because something was on your bed. Yeah, I missed my stop on the Train of Thought. :P


Will Smith is WIN. :)

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Will smith is of course WIN.


I normally use my lappy in my bed, more because it is comfortable most of the time, and my sister always has the chair I like to sit in <<


It wasn't really covered in anything, I just got too lazy to get up off the floor ><

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