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Blog Contest!



Yeah, you read the title right: I, Cressona, new Premier member and owner of a 5-entry blog (or however many it is), am holding a blog contest. I now present: the Blog Name Contest! Read on for more. Or don't. You know, whatever works.

(if you're one of those people who likes short blog entries, skip the following two paragraphs of random nonesense)

Hey, my first extract. Looks kinda nice, wouldn't you say? Really adds to the quality of the entry. I like it. So, yeah, what was I saying? Oh, right, the Contest.

So, I was thinking, and I realized that as good a name as "Exercize in Futility" is, if I want this blog to become world-class, I really need a world class name to go with it. (I think you can see where this is going.)

Anyway, I was starting to think of names myself, and then I realized: "world-class blogs hold blog contests for random things!" My next thought was, "A new name for my blog is a random thing!". (I hope you can see where I'm going with this now.) My next thought, of course, was: "It's time for a Blog Contest!" (By now you should know where I'm going with this, right? Well, just in case you don't, maybe I should explain the contest.)

(random nonsense over. you can start reading again).

All you have to do is suggest a new name for my blog, in your comments, and at the end of a two-week period (or whenever I have enough suggestions, whichever comes last), I'll pick the best suggested name and use it as my new blog name (a team of impartial, annoymous judges may help me select the best name).

And that's it. So, let the Contest begin!



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