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So I was thinking how we could make this blog more interesting while simueltaneously being about me. So I has this idea, okay? Hypothetical questions! Give me some sort of scenario that I'd have to solve.


Worth investing in? It could be anything: I'm trapped in a room with Old DX who doesn't shut up about the old days with internet memes, lolicon zombies, some sort of chaos warp in my fridge... Go crazy, chances are my responses will be equally crazy.


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What would you do if one morning, you woke up, and you were Phantom, and everyone else from TFD: O was their respective character?


I'll come up with something stupider later. :P

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Okay, here goes round one:


Teeb- I'd first check to see if the Autobots were still my BZP friends underneath it all before I engaged them in some pointless war or went on a bloody massacre in the cities XP


Chocolatefrogs- ... I guess I'd go paint or play video games then .-.


Idunnolol- I either go (A) insane within the first 24 hours and start breaking things, (B ) Blow my brains out with a nerf gun after several dozen attempts, or © Somehow adapt to it and carry on my boring life.

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Teeb has my vote, that rockz.


Maybe you wake up to find Gman standing directly over your bed, grinning in his Gmanly way?


EDIT: New idea:


You wake up in a giant empty room, with only two doors. One opens easily, and has a red X on it. But you can see that it opens into a giant black space with no floor or walls and so you decide to ignore it.


The other door us locked, but has a small screen on it that says only this: "LOGIN. USERNAME: KA-CHAN. PASSWORD: ____"

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... wait i herd dx y r u guis talkin bout meh :???:


HERE'S AN IDEA: ... um... I dunno. Why's it gotta be about you, eh? >:(


Um... *tosses you Rubik's cube* I got it from Wrack. Solve. I'll figure out something more substantial and text-based later. <_<

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What would you do if one morning, you woke up, and you were Phantom, and everyone else from TFD: O was their respective character?


I'll come up with something stupider later. :P


WAIT A SEC WHAT IF HE WAS SLEEKSHOT OR RAZOR?! *Is glad to only be one character*

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1. What if you woke up to find yourself facing a horde of Necrons? As a Tyranid? IRL?


2. What if you were fsued with DX into some super hideous being of monstrosity-ness?


3. Had to watch TTGL for all eternity?

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- Whad'you think? We'd hang out in front of a 7/11 all day long while we conspired to do Gmody things.


- Ooh.... Enter my Bzp password.




-Attempt to solve the Wrackix cube for 2 days, then if that fails, do what anyone would do- AMPUTATION!




- Either run for the friggin' hills so I could massacre some unsuspecting Imperial City, or give myself up to the Nightbringer as another morsel in his everlasting hunger.


- I'd probably either punch his face for a few days straight, or attempt to come to terms with God's disgusting joke and try to talk to the guy. That, or we'd attempt to fuse our minds together to become one- where then I'd trick him and promptly consume his lesser mind!


- End my pitiful existence, of course.

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This is fun.


1. Had to marry Wrack?

2. Get shoved in one of those 80's horror movies (Friday the 13th, Freddy, etc)

3. Were Sam in the Transformers movie?

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This is fun.


1. Had to marry Wrack?

2. Get shoved in one of those 80's horror movies (Friday the 13th, Freddy, etc)

3. Were Sam in the Transformers movie?



1: Better a chica then a dude, I say.


2.Oh, I'd try to strike up a conversation with Freddy before he inevitabley killed me in some overtly elaborate death involving 300 gallons of red Kool Aid. Like with the Wrack scenario, might as well make the best out of a bad thing. But if it was Jason on the other hand, I'd go rambo on him with an aresnal of Super Soakers.


3. Try to make the Autobots way bore bad-awesome. This would involve lecturing the Autobots on being overtly merciful- oh, and I'd make Bumblebee ditch the yellow for some wicked red-black sports car.

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