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See What School Does To Me?



Friday, August 25, 2006

Yesterday was my first day of school. And I can tell you, even in the "excitement" of starting a new school year :drooling: , I didn't want to go back today. Got some new kids in my classes -- some cool, some not. And I still see a few old friends even if we don't get the fun of being stuck in some stuffy classroom together for 43 minutes a day. Some of my new teachers I could see right off the bat that they were all right, others are real pieces of work. Actually, some of my teachers have been well spoken of; and I knew in advance that I would be getting certain teachers. Oh, and guess what? Yesterday's weather fitted the mood perfectly -- rain, thunder, and lightning.

Well, I had to blow off a blog entry yesterday because I got so much darn homework :annoyed2: . Yeah, some of you early grade school kids are probably thinking What!? Homework on the first day!? Even though I got up at 7:25 AM yesterday, the adrenaline rush of seeing people that I couldn't have cared less about over the summer again got me through my day.

Today was...very different. You see, once I get through the first day, I just don't care :) . I mean, I've already visited every one of my new classes, so what's gonna be new? The fatigue of yesterday really hit me today. Ouch. I faked consciousness throughout most of my school day, and then made my way home by bus and train as I always do. Once I got home, I loafed around for a couple hours, watching TV and stuff. Then right before dinner I crashed in my bed for three and a half hours. I had dinner at 10:45 -- 40 minutes ago.


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