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Day Ovar



I saw The Mummy, I liked the special effects, but it was just too fast and quick paced, it wasn't that bad though. I got a new SS idea from it, and one of the previews ^^


Then I had to wait for my little sister and my dad to finish with their movie. Twenty minutes sitting in a lobby trying to entertain yourself for that long sux. I think some people thought I was plotting something 'cause they looked at me weeeeiiiirrrd and then I cursed myself for not bringing something to do.


I ended up reading everything in the room....ugh.


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Lol.. I usually end up drumming on the chairs/desk/window/employees' heads/floor.


Usually "It wasn't that bad" doesn't make a movie sound too good...

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It wasn't really good, the special effects were fun to watch, but it was just too fast paced and annoying in some parts. I wasn't the one who paid for it anyway so I'm good =P
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I usually end up listening to music or play DS for those amounts of time. Or think about the next chapter of my epic and forget about it.


I'm not seeing the Mummy. I'm Chinese. It looks stupid.

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My DS unit belongs to my sister now, don't ask a very long story... Well if I had brought a notepad I most likely would have created the entire outline for my epic along with as much of the Demonic Beginnings project I've been working on for a loooooooooong time.


I got two kinds of looks while sitting there, the Suspicious looks which came from the employees mostly, and the other type of look I don't have words to describe...it was either the group of girls making fun of me, or their smiling and looks every now and then were something different.


Either way, I was still bored. And now I know to bring some paper and a pencil with me the next time I go to a movie that starts before my sister's so that when I wait I can just doodle/write/make some sort of plan that is entirely fake and leave it lying around for people to discover and go "OMGOMGOMG!1!!"

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Moar like "OMG There. is. a. bomb!" I would be really tempted to write out a detailed plan for detonating a bomb in the lobby of theatre just because of all those looks, I wouldn't of course, that wouldn't be a good idea...


I felt more offended by the employee looks though...it was that guy who cuts your tickets when you get in, I swear it looked like he was thinking "I know you have a bomb, but my car got stolen cuz I'm such a dork and I don't feel like leaving to survive the explosion. Whoopee do."


I just looked like" <_< "This sucks."

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Was the ticket guy cutting tickets with a scimitar? Because that's something I would love seeing.


He seems more the type that would be saying "man, it's either this or work at the grocery store. This severe acne is preventing me from getting any cool jobs" because you know, only teens work in jobs like that.

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I heard (rather read) that the movie (just like the previous two) had no story or character development and was just a bunch of action and violence thrown into a blender. I don't know. It looks sort of cool I suppose, but that's about it.



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That sums it up, a romance was built along the way, and more of a connection with the family, but other than that it was constant action and destruction. It was cool to watch, but really didn't have much of a story behind it.
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