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I was going to post this yesterday, but got distracted with other things.


Anyway, the past few days have actually had a few good things happen during them.


First of all, I had that LAN party the other day. It was fun to start out with, as we were playing Halo and all, but eventually, all this one guy wanted to do was have a demolition derby in the game with "THE FLYING MACHINES AND TRUCKS", which got boring real quick, and I just about wanted to just stop playing, though I made it through- barely.


BUT one of the people there was kind enough to get me a late birthday gift; I got Super Smash Brother Brawl, which is an awesome game for the Wii. And it's a good thing I have the console needed for it, because I wouldn't be able to play it otherwise. But yeah, the game is awesome. I only wish Captain Falcon's "FALCONE PAUWNCH" would be more epic in the game. The game even has "mudkipz", though I've never played as it.


Other than that, I have even better news- the interim pastor in our church left! That means they'll get someone else, for good. That, and said interim pastor was a complete schmuck, and did nothing other than be rude and obnoxious to us. Hopefully, they'll get this other guy that my family has been trying to get to be the pastor, who is a really nice person. He doesn't JUDGE PEOPLE or GIVE PEOPLE THREATS or BEAT PEOPLE DOWN or HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD WE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT like the interim pastor did. So yeah, hopefully we'll get a new, decent, not interim pastor.




IN OTHER NEWS, I'm almost done with that drawing. I just need to finish coloring everything, and add the details. Shouldn't take more than a week.


Also, do any of you have any suggestions for becoming more active? I really need to post more often, and I don't know where to start. I'm usually too busy with other things, a lot of them in real life, or on other other forums, and I can't quite figure out how to make any long, useful replies to hardly any of the topics here.






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