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I Don't Grok.

Jedi Master J.


Well, I just finished the book, 'Stranger in a Strange Land', and as the title say I don't grok it.


For those that hadn't read the book and don't know what grok means, it is basically a fictional Martian Word in the book that in simple terms means to understand something completely. Book-wise though it has been describe by main character(Human raise as a Martian through childhood) to mean: to drink or rather to understand so much that you become one with thing, you are trying to understand.


Anyway, I personally found the book to be interesting, but it did talk too much about religions for my tastes. After all, I expected when I got the book, it would be about a sort of superhuman from Mars trying to keep the world or universe safe instead it was about a human raise as a Martian, who is brought to Earth to learn about his true people. So, yeah, it wasn't what I expected, but it was a good story and did make me think as it brought up many interesting topics.


Beside that news, I like to ask you all for a favor. Could you all keep my grandmother in your thoughts or prayers? She has recently been having kidneys problems for the past few days and I have been worried about her. Some good news though, I have heard from my brother that she has brought home sometime yesterday, so chances are it may not as serious as I think it. Nonetheless I be grateful that you keep her in your thoughts still and thank you, if you do.




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