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Jedi Gali


Since the Opening Ceremonies, I've watched the Olympic Games and have followed the medal count. It's been a lot of fun to watch, especially the swimming and gymnastics. Maybe it's been so exciting because I couldn't do what those Olympians do. Well, I do swim a fair amount, but gymnastics??? You've got to be kidding me. I can't even do a cartwheel! :D


I have been supporting the United States throughout all of it and will continue to. :) But, I still think it's so cool how all these countries come together in a peaceable fashion and compete in a bunch of events. There are even some countries that just have three or four athletes.


So I can't wait for women's gymnastics tonight! Men's last night was completely amazing. The US did great despite Paul and Morgan Hamm being injured. And the high bar? Wow. But, I think they did get third behind China and Japan. At least that's where the standings were when I stopped watching.


And there's a different kind of Olympics, one you guys might have seen here on BZPower. My brother (Israeli Toa) and sister (The White Lady) and I have created an epic titled the Mata-Nui Olympics. Now this is based off a true story because we actually played all the events and all the Matoran are ones we own. Check it out if you get a chance! Only the prologue is up so far, but the first chapter we be there on Friday. ;)


Go USA!!! :usa:


:kaukau: -JG


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I dunno. I thought the USA was probably going to take second when I watched... Japan's in third last I watched, but I really should look for a update online. -_-

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