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Well...I would like to say today was not my day for a bowling game. I lost with a very pathetic score of 29 -__-; and the next game I bumped it up to 39 -__-;...that did not make me look good at these games...


I finished Rogue Clone, and the third Ranger's Apprentice book, I'm now on The Clone Alliance (Last in the series)


I loved the part so far when a gigantuan mercenary named "Ray Freeman" just left a military briefing to go to the bathroom, and never came back. Colonel Harris (Main character) made a bet with a Naval Intell Officer that they wouldn't find his mercenary partner.


The next day the Naval Intell Officer was all ticked and handed over the 100$ owed. I found that quite funny.


A Kewl part in the last book (Rouge Clone) was in a gigantic space battle with the Confederates, Mogats (MOrGAn ATkin) believers, and the Japanese group from Ezer Kri who had a planetary name change denied by the U.A Republic.


The U.A had a ship called the Droctrinaire which was a monolithic ship as advanced as they come. Fleet Admiral Bryce Klyber was supposed to commandeer it-but he met an untimely death and the ship was handed over to Admiral Che Huang, and his Rear Admiral Thurston.


Thurston kept the giant ship in one place and used it as a fortress when he should have been manuevering with it. What happened was that since the ship was pretty much unmoving, and only shooting, a kamikaze Mogat ship with a Nuke on the bow was able to broadcast (Turn into energy and shoot at speeds fast enough to cover millions of lightyears in a moment) right in the center of the monolithic battle ship, the result destroyed both ships and the nuke took care of the nearby fighters.


U.A fell, but not fully.


It was a kewl and fun to read space battle.


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I was looking for a Science Fiction book 'cause I like to read about gigantuan ships blowing eachother to pieces, and I found a book called The Clone Republic, Rogue Clone, and The Clone Alliance. It took me a bit to figure out the order, and after reading the first page in the store of The Clone Republic I thought "This sounds interesting." and so I bought it.


After the first book I had to read the second, now I'm about halfway through the third...


The Ranger's Apprentice series just sounded like an interesting series I discovered a few years back. So far it has proven to be very interesting and had caught my attention. I've read the first three and am waiting to find a cheaper costing fourth.



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Buying a book cuz it looks interesting and two I'm just incredibly bored. -__-;;


Anyway, I'm going to pick up Scar Night on the insistance of Disky who really loves that series along with Twilight which had been reccommended to me by so many people.

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