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Observation On Human Behaviour



Before you bring it up, I realize it wasn't the best idea to do this with my current Combine Overwatch layout, but this entry is not supposed to resemble or relay the style or moral beliefs Dr.Breen/ the Combine broadcasted over their giant "viewscreens" in HalfLife2.


As I was saying:




I just noticed a particular problem or more with instinctive human reasoning; the tendency to dumb everything down to a single, lackluster meaning, instance, moral, etc. in a "one for one" or "one for everything" manner. This type of reasoning has various issues and problems with it that conflict with the nature of reality, and can inflict various injuries and flaws in the logic of those who reason in such a way: if you have various problems in life, and such, and you pay attention to only one, the others will outflank you, so to speak, and essentially become worse than the single trouble you have prioritized, becoming more of a trouble in the end than the single one you have paid so much attention to.


Our pre-programmed impulses have much to do with this; when someone is born, he is without any learned knowledge or reasoning, essentially relying on animalistic instincts for survival and the like. But as someone grows, it become necessary to understand the world and universe around us- not for survival of ourselves, but to ensure quite a few other, far grander things take place, and continue. I do not mean this in a metaphorical sense, but a practical one; that we, individually, rarely morally see past what we learned in our first few years of life. You see; self centered reasoning is a great disruptor in our behavior, along with various other urges and influences that cause us to make illogical decisions. And is it really so logical to assume that with the universe, in all it's complexity and marvels, it only exists for a single purpose; that there is only one virtue at it's base that accounts for everything else? There is no single purpose, or notion for everything; each has it's own set of tasks and functions to which it carries out in it's lifetime, in it's own places and surroundings. As such, the thought that everything needs to belong to the same accord is dangerous and prone to wreaking catastrophes and disorder. "Everything" is simply an umbrella term, if you will, for all that exists, which we so commonly and foolishly perceive to be a singular entity.


And as such, we must take into account each thing that may cause problems with our logic and cognitive ability, and understand those things are separate, individual problems, coming from different sources, including ourselves.


Also note that the case of people being easily controlled by the group they belong to, operating instinctively, similar to the hive mind found in the natural world, is not flawlessly compatible with the human mind's higher methods of thinking. While communities are fine, and beneficial, they cause issues if people are not allowed their own freedom to think and understand what they see around them in it's clearest, unabridged manner, and if they are forced to cooperate in a group which they have no familiarity with, and are allowed no differences and independence from. Instead, the human mind is more optimized to work with smaller, friendlier groups which they can trust, be knowledgeable about, and treat as a family.


Not to say anything bad about larger communities such as this website, but it is quite helpful individual people have at least a few people they can trust, and that can trust them, without worrying about them betraying, or defaming them. This, as helpful as it is, can become a problem if we choose incorrectly, or lunge at the opportunity when it first crosses our path, leading us to far worse problems, such as making us either overly social, antisocial, attached, crazy, something else, of even a mix of those, depending on our experiences or expectations. And so, the want for companionship can lead us to far worse things than what simply being alone, if not controlled.


Make sure you reason, without bias or distaste against things, and that you test and examine what you learn and observe.



And so, we must not be controlled by any of our impulses, such as instinct, reflexes, fear, hate, and all other negative problems with ourselves. And there are far more things than what I mentioned here. If I were to write all of them into a book, this included, it would span pages of explanation an reiteration.



Also, about the vague similarity of this to the Combine in HL2's programming, aided by the theme of this blog; the Combine had very simple reasoning; believing that they were the only legitimate ruling force, that conquering everything was the only way to bring peace(by an extension, "peace" being at the base of this) that instinct was the only problem in society, and that anything was acceptable to install their rule upon everyone. Very much like the "one for one" type of reasoning, or lack thereof I mentioned earlier. While contrary to that, I believe, and am saying that not everything dumbs down to one: everything is not one thing, and is best off in it's own accord and place, doing it's jobs and fulfilling it's purposes needed for it's particular environment to do likewise. If you only focus on one thing, evil things and people will lead you into a pit of death and decay, as evil cannot exist without good, and what little good it has will be the only thing you see.




I wish I could say more, but I really can't write much more. The are other things I need to get to work on. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to reply. I apologize if I was redundant or messed up anywhere, I was kinda rushed to do this, and didn't have any time to make it more eloquent or clear.


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Problem is that the human society tends to scramble for order, when nature's is in a cycle of chaos. It tends to restrict a growing person from going out and explore the world; to learn and experience (not through the set education system); and to be in harmony of the moment.


I just think that the world needs to seriously chill.

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