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Gali's Makeover!

Jedi Gali



2nd pic

3rd pic


I told you I'd get pictures! The background could be better but at least they're not blurry. :D I changed the weapons and some of the limbs. I wanted to put a lot more blue in because she barely looked like a water Toa before...Guess where I got the pieces from??? My brother's Vahki Bordahk! (He does have two of them) :rolleyes:


So please, tell me what you think! I do think she looks a little better, but I want to know your opinion.


:kaukau: -JG


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It's definitely better! Anyway, here are a few things . . .


the weapons are SO much better!


The chest still needs covering . . . I'd hate to get hit there without any armor [one reason why I hate Piraka Torsos].


I'd put some armor on the upper leg . . . it just looks kinda odd.


The arms are a little too thin and long for my liking, but they're better than the original.


Really, this is much better than the original - great job! :D



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It's definitely better! Anyway, here are a few things . . .


the weapons are SO much better!


The chest still needs covering . . . I'd hate to get hit there without any armor [one reason why I hate Piraka Torsos].


I'd put some armor on the upper leg . . . it just looks kinda odd.


The arms are a little too thin and long for my liking, but they're better than the original.


Really, this is much better than the original - great job!




Yeah, I thought the weapons looked more like something Gali would carry.


I know the arms are weird. I really need my Nokama pieces, but that one kid has 'em. :D And the legs??? Heh. I wanted a little more blue so I just turned the upper part around.




:kaukau: -JG

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I prefer the blaster and scope. If they had made NEW hooks proportionate to her size, however, I'd have liked it. But meh. I don't pay much attention to weapons anyway.

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