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Pirates Arrr Cool.

Lady Kopaka


So yes hullo dear people from far and near. I guess I need to update huh? Well starting on Friday...



As I said, my sister had a sleepover/shopping party on Friday and Saturday. So a lot of the day besides school was cleaning up and such to get ready for the guest. So when they all get here, we hang out in my sister and my room to talk for awhile, then we go load ourselves with sugar and cokes before leaving for the Mall. I was originally not going, but I haven't been to the mall in months, so I decided to go. Which I am glad I did.

So we get there, and organize where we are going and if we are splitting up, so we shopped around and I finally got to go Hot Topic. Which I just totally LOVE that store (save for a few things there). I was going to buy a t-shirt that said "Are you a Ninja or Pirate?" But it was too much. In fact any shirt I saw that I wanted was too much. So I bought a neat armband that says "Pirates arrr cool." I am wearing it right now.

That's really the only thing I bought there, but if you want to count the Mountain Dew I bought. But this thing WAS HUGE. So that really got us hyper.


So after eating a snack, we left and went to Target. Where my friend Aryn was serious on blowing all her money on food. :P Which she sadly never succeeded in. But after looking around at the music, movies and video games we just talked. A lot.


So then we finally get home, and we once again just hang around and talk. Though my friend Aryn just gets a kick out of it when she watches me talk to some of my internet buds, so we did that for awhile.

My mom gets back with the pizza, and we fill our selves with it. Oh yummy Pizza....

My friend Marion recently figured out that I had a electric guitar and I recently figured out that she herself plays guitar really good. So we go into a discussion, and hopefully, we can arrange for her to join the band that me and my friend starter. But once again, I think that we should change the name. The Flying Dutchman is a cool name, but it in some degree is already taken and it would suit a guy band much more. SO I want to talk to my friend about it.

My friend Aryn (Once again) has a strange obsession over my dad’s instruments. So we get out the banjo, fiddle, another guitar, and something else....So then we're playing then all at the same time, it was fun. But loud. :lol: I recorded my dad playing the banjo(which he owns at), and it sounds really cool. The recording got a little blurry, so it sounds almost electric. O.o If I can find a place to upload it, I will show.


Enough on that subject, after that, eating and whatnot, we listen to music and go outside playing around till 1 AM. By 3, we have all the beds set up for everyone to sleep. (Cept’ I had to sleep on the floor with only one little blanket ;_;) And I don't fall asleep till 4 because SOME people were speaking Spanish for no reason. *Stares*


By morning we watch lots of stupid Saturday morning shows, talk some more, and by 12 everyone has left.


OK, now that I got that over I have a much more important issue to go through.


Today at Sunday, I go to my class before church starts and we learn about some pretty cool stuff, but sadly my teacher taught way to long and got us late. (Which I am a little annoyed at) So then, since I am late, they found someone else to do my PowerPoint job. *Sigh* that really got me mad. I originally was the first person they asked, and I gladly dedicated myself to the job. But now recently, it feels like they fired me from the job. What made it worse was my best friend was doing it lately instead of me, and she was so much better (I messed up time to time) that myself. And it was her first or second try. And I mean, she has already been offered to do the drums during worship session and she is also a great teacher.

I hope you can plainly see my feelings were slightly hurt and I am a little jealous over this.


Ok but enough about this, after church we discovered that our Admin(Mr. Merol) for the church, his car got stolen during the service. It seems that while Pastor Bob was preaching, the guy just walks in the Admin's office, finds his keys inside a desk, walks out and takes his car.

My dad being a deacon of the church, decided to stay with him and help out anyway he could. I was really shocked about all this, and prayed that they would find his car and catch the crook.

So later a policeman comes to the church and tells us that they found the car. Sadly, he said the car was totaled because they crashed in the highway from a hot pursuit. I felt really sorry for Mr. Merol (Admin) right there, and the sermon was on ‘Bad Things Happen.’ Which was weird, and also, not a week ago, our pastor got into a car wreck in NC.

Dad goes out to the crash site with a few other people from church, and we see what happened, I won’t go into details, but it seems they crashed into a pole.

Good news is they caught the bloody crooks! We also learned that after they stole the car, they went to rob a store. I hope they make ‘em pays for the mess they caused, and of all days, on a SUNDAY!


I believe that’s enough don’t you agree? But it has been a good week. And I guess I should scan some art, which I do have, so I will work on art and maybe scan tomorrow or whatever. Maybe today?


Anyway, PotC: CotBP is coming on tonight, yay!


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*Dies after reading incredibly long entry* So you had a good time at your sister's party. I wouldn't know because I'm not allowed to most of my siblings birthday parties. Well sorry that your feelings got hurt. *Tries to give Lk hug but stops* I'm not good at hugs.... Tell that guy that I'm sorry about his car.


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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Yay! Real life crime! XD

Seriously, that is a bit low. Not that I'm religious or anything, but doing that during a preaching, that's really low and lame.

Pretty interesting entry. Especially Banjos. Banjos own.

Oh yeah, I've heard Savefile is good, like Tempus said. Try there.


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Oh, I've got another idea for your band! How's about The Flying Dutchwomen? It's so original!



I was actually thinking of that but I thought that maybe it would be a weird idea.

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