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Fan Fleet!

Schizo Kaita


I just noticed Lady K has herself a fan club content block, so I deserve one too! :P


You can find the Fan Fleet block on the leeboard side o' the Quarters, beneath the Links from the Deep, which is right under Teddy o' the Bear Crew. (Bottom left o' the page, landlubber!)


If you're a fan of my MOCs, art or fan fiction, or just of my fantastic self, reply here to have your name added to the Fleet Followers.


And yes, this is all purely to appease my own ego. B) (Nah, just trying to get to know some of you better, is all - just don't tell my ego, okay?)


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Guest Ultimategamemaster


Arr, I'll be needin' to join your crew. Ah, the slaty air does me art' good. Avast! The Limegreen Scourge asail! Load the acnnons, hosit the anchor, battle amongst the rebels! Arr, arrr!
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Hey. Hey you. I see your ego is attempting to go beyond the size allowed. Namely, larger than mine.


This cannot be tolerated. I think I must declare war.


However, I'll do it later. Because talking to a being so below my status leaves me needing a recharge in awesomeness before I'm drained.


So maybe tomorrow I shall declare war.



*distracts DV with Omi's ego and relocates the Scourge* :fear:

Load the acnnons, hosit the anchor, battle amongst the rebels! Arr, arrr!

Arr, yer spellin' is as good as any true pirate's should! Approved!

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Sure, I'll join. But only as a fan-thing, not the crew; I look up to ye and all as a pirate, but I'm cap'n of my own (small and uncrewed) ship.



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I dunno if I want to join, I heard basking in ego isn't good for your skin... :unsure:


Ah, what the hey, I could use an ego tan anyways, Sign me upitize me capn!!!



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Arr, I be wantin' to join, Cap'n. Me skills are at yer disposal, I could be makin' ye a fine army o' MOCs to patrol the Empire when the Scourge is at sea. Arr!



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