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Lady Kopaka



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Dude, I totally did it. I have completed the video game Mass Effect!


Since the majority of my family was off in town for a few hours, I was able to grab some extra minutes on the computer and finally beat Mass Effect. I died a zillion times, Saren was annoying… but I did it!


The ending was sooo good. Joker was awesome, I saved the council, I smashed some Geth skulls, the whole plot was amazing… and have I mentioned that Joker is just so cool?


They better come out with the sequel soon, yay for Bioware. :D


Just for who is interested, my character was Hau Shepard, and an all out goody-two shoes Paragon. It took me about 20 or so hours to beat it… but I didn’t do a lot of the subplots and stuff, since I was saving a lot of it for my female character when I replay.


Now I must do fanart! ... Er, after I catch up with what art I have now… :/


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Guest The Captain




Sorry, haven't played the game, but as far as I know, Heath Ledger isn't in it :P

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I'm laughing at everyone being like "Joker? Say what?"

I took like two hours longer to complere my playthrough, but I died considerably less times than a zillion, thankfully. The bit where you activate the turrets and shoot down the geth ship caught me like three times before I noticed there were three of them >.<

I found it hard to go renegade... I guess it just goes against my nature. But I enjoyed punching Dr. Warren's (or whatever, she's in the start of the game) asisstant in the face :P

Your second playthrough with the same character is soo much more fun. Do that with your female character, and then just do subplots.

Now, to re-find that Toombs quest...

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I'm laughing at everyone being like "Joker? Say what?"

I took like two hours longer to complere my playthrough, but I died considerably less times than a zillion, thankfully. The bit where you activate the turrets and shoot down the geth ship caught me like three times before I noticed there were three of them >.<

I found it hard to go renegade... I guess it just goes against my nature. But I enjoyed punching Dr. Warren's (or whatever, she's in the start of the game) asisstant in the face :P

Your second playthrough with the same character is soo much more fun. Do that with your female character, and then just do subplots.

Now, to re-find that Toombs quest...

It makes me sad, I know. D: Joker is too cool for them!


Well, I didn't die a zillion times, but I did fail pretty bad close to the end-- it just got annoying fighting *Spoiler*. Of course, I have to play in a public room with siblings watching my every move and always distracting me... that's no fun at all. :/


I could NOT go renegade, it just makes me feel guilty. xD Ooh, punching that scientist is fun though! But yeah, usually the second time around is funner and easier, though the majority of plot twists are not as exciting. When I get around to playing my female character I'm going to take my time and do as many subplots and stuff.

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