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I have almost decimated the entire pile I bought. I just need to build a few more sets I already have and do something with them, then I'll dump the rest in with my other pile. Once that's done, I'll be able to post pictures of everything. Updates on Brickshelf, MOCs, everything. Also..


We're all gonna die.


Warning, the video might freak out some little children. It just has chupacabra stuff in it. Just hit the play button and it'll roll.


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It doesn't? Huh. Let me find a different one. I think that'll be hard, though...


EDIT: There's a better video. Tell me if it works.

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I think its pretty cool that we might have actually found a Chupacabra. Even though it's pretty disturbing, Cryptozoology is cool at the same time. Think about it. A long time back, we would have thought the platypus was an alien. :P


Still, I can see what you mean. It is kind of creepy. o.O

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I don't find it creepy at all... it's a dog. Of some sort.

It's the other kind that freaks me out... >_>

Not that I believe in it.

Huh, there seems to be a bunch of cypto stuff showing up now... even though the Bigfoot is totally silly. :lol:

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I'm actually the only one in my family that thinks the Chupacabra is real, but doesn't think the bigfoot is. It seriously doesn't look real. If we had a few more pictures, I might consider believing it.
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I'm actually the only one in my family that thinks the Chupacabra is real, but doesn't think the bigfoot is. It seriously doesn't look real. If we had a few more pictures, I might consider believing it.

I believe that there's something to Bigfoot. The stories have gone back so far, and it bears lots of resemblance to a creature we actually know existed at one time.


That and there's the Yeti...


But I still haven't seen any pics or anything that look remotely real. =/



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