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Bionigirl: So, how was the mall?

Jon Batista 91: I'd rather not talk about it...

Bionigirl: And so you will. :)

Jon Batista 91: *gives the eyes*

Jon Batista 91: Just because you're Karley

Bionigirl: Means you'll tell me everything. :)

Jon Batista 91: I was suppose to be there at 11:30 AM

Jon Batista 91: I woke up at 11:26

Jon Batista 91: and defined absolute procrastination by calling my friend asking him if he wanted to go to the mall

Bionigirl: Hahah.

Jon Batista 91: he couldn't because he had to pack because he's going to the West Coast (Knowing him, its Washington or Oregon)

Jon Batista 91: Anywho...

Bionigirl: Hahah.

Bionigirl: Continue, please

Jon Batista 91: I asked for a favor, and at 12:30 I was at the mall

Jon Batista 91: From there, I went to every place I'd find them

Jon Batista 91: Hot Topic, Spencer's, food court, this random Irish store

Jon Batista 91: and finally the last place I knew they would be, the recliners at the furniture section of JCPenny's

Bionigirl: :P

Jon Batista 91: From there, its just my showing off my emo preppy gangsta christian self

Bionigirl: I think that sentence contradicted itself in at least three places.

Jon Batista 91: When we meet, you'll understand

Bionigirl: Hahah. I hope so.

Bionigirl: And that's a big if, Jon.

Bionigirl: Not a when

Jon Batista 91: I'll make it happen, I promise

Bionigirl: You're buying the plane tickets. =P

Jon Batista 91: I'll meet you in the Virgin Mobile Store in NYC

Jon Batista 91: don't worry, its easy to find

Jon Batista 91: its in Times Square

(Private IMs)

Bionigirl: Hahah. Brownie points for Jonny.

Bionigirl: Who's Lluvio3?

Jon Batista 91: 14 year old from BZP

Jon Batista 91: why do you ask?

Bionigirl: Because he just contacted me, saying it's nice to meet the girl who Jon has told him great things about.

Jon Batista 91: ah

Jon Batista 91: anyways

Jon Batista 91: I go into a few stores, them following

Jon Batista 91: Its me, Kory, Raf, and our friend Paul

Bionigirl: Uh-huh...

Jon Batista 91: And I go into Hollister just to grind Raf's gears

Jon Batista 91: he hates preps

Bionigirl: :P

Jon Batista 91: And I head into American Eagle, I tell them if they want they can sit on the chairs outside the store (which they do)

Jon Batista 91: come out, she two girls from Maynard

Jon Batista 91: Kory thought me and Danielle were flirting

Jon Batista 91: (though I did call her pretty right off the bat)

Jon Batista 91: ah well

Jon Batista 91: *see two girls

Bionigirl: Why, "Ah well"?

Jon Batista 91: I don't have a chance with them nor are they really in my sights

Jon Batista 91: I'm in a new town, I'll pretty much have to stick with it

Bionigirl: :(


The below is Kory, better known as Ryuu


Jon Batista 91: WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!

WingedWindWalker: Jon...

WingedWindWalker: Im not allowed to date raf anymore

Jon Batista 91: the bloody ######, why not?

WingedWindWalker: because suposedly hes not responcible enough to bring me home

Jon Batista 91: WHAT?

WingedWindWalker: so my mom picked me up

WingedWindWalker: she shouts

WingedWindWalker: say goodbye to raf

WingedWindWalker: this relation ship is over

Jon Batista 91: Raf didn't do anything wrong

WingedWindWalker: i know

WingedWindWalker: we're going to try to continue secretly datine

WingedWindWalker: *dating

WingedWindWalker: but i know it wont work out

WingedWindWalker: i cant stop crying jon

WingedWindWalker: she shouted say goodbye to him

WingedWindWalker: and started to drive away

WingedWindWalker: i winged open the door and jumped out of the moving car

WingedWindWalker: just so he could hold me in his arms one last time




Recommended Comments

1st conversation: nicely done

2nd: that's just not cool... recomend giving mother silent treatement for 2-3 months.

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I can't remember the silent treatment ever working for me....


Random question: Do you ask these people if you can put these conversations in your blog, or do you just do it? :P


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