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My Blog Name



I've decided to create my own entry in the Blog Contest, and make it the temporary new name for my blog, because I don't have enough entries to justify ending the contest.

I'd like opinions on Why things are the way they are and aren't going to change no matter how much everyone wants them to: good, bad, great?

Oh, yeah, and I got Tahu and Krika from K-Mart the other day. They're great, and the Nynrah are probably the best projectile launchers out there, but Tahu's doesn't work so well for some reason. Overall, the Mistika left me with one thought: we need a return to melee weapons. So far this year I got Kopaka, Antroz, Krika, and Tahu, and the weapons are: on Kopaka, a little stick on the end of his launcher, Antroz has some little claw things (staffs and swords, anybody?), Krika has some cool-looking pointy staff things; unfortunately, he needs them on the ground to walk :rolleyes:, and all Tahu's got is a spinning shield. A shield. Back in 01, Kopaka had a shield and a sword. But the worst part about it is that that's probably the best weapon so far.

Anyway, I'm thinking about getting Vultraz (probably my favorite, or at least most affordable, of the vehicles available locally).

That's all for now. I'm also working on a comic, and I might start it up as a 2000th post special. Or something.



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