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What The Bouncer Did



T-Hybrid is currently preparring to start both his classes and new job on Tuesday. As such, he has once again asked his guest writer to fill in for today's entry.


Whazzup, crowd! HGM here to do my best and get something written today. I suppose the best thing I could do is fill you in on the events of a few Fridays back. As you all remember, T-Boss stopped in to Snakes On A Plane. And because I'm such a hip happening dude I couldn't help but check out a screening myself.


So as you know, I left my post for the first time since being hired. And go figure it's the one time some package gets dropped off. T gets back and starts going on about how I left the Haven open and who knows what could've gone wrong while I was away. I reminded him that there's really nothing of value here and I don't even think we've charged anybody an entrance fee. So there's nothing really worth stealing.


...Come to think of it, why does he even need me?


But that's beside the point. Boss kicks off the Snakes afterparty, and we decide to break open the first crate. Inside is this massive pinata, and we hang it up. It gets cracked open, and BOOM...a massive snake drops in.


I don't know how familiar you are with Digimon, but this guy called himself Santiramon. Personally, I woulda just called him mud. But I found out a bit late that he was a Perfect Level, just like me. So we throw down, and the place goes NUTS!


We busted up the second crate in the process, so I really hope that there wasn't anything important or anything in there. But when you've got a massive snake Digimon trying to stab you with a trident, you're really not paying attention to your surroundings anymore.


So I let loose with a few Rizing Destroyers, and without thinking I fire off a Trident Revolver. I manage to blast Santiramon into oblivion, but in the process I actually blew out the south wall of the Haven. Remember how I was wondering what exactly I was doing working for a guy who isn't paying me? I found out now...I'm paying him back while he repairs the wall.


It was nice of T to not say anything, but he was pretty upset about it. He's got enough to worry about, and now there's a chunk of building missing. Not to mention that yerk MachGaogamon is still whining every once in a while.


I tells ya, the work of a bouncer is never done.

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