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Update: Some News.

.:Toa Rasor:.


Okayz. I finally got this in my blog but here's some News, and some upcoming updates.




I'll have Nira (The WIP I have been posting) up soon in Bshelf and Bzp.


I'll also be doing a revamp of my least favorited Toa Avart, Kirop, and posting him soon. (He's Finished BTW.)


I am working on the Legendary Hero's Return: Giffon, who was the Hero before Rasor.




NUUUU!!! School starts soon, and for me, it's middle school, I hopes I don'ts Dies....


Meh, for a while I havn't mentioned it, but I've known it for like a year, did I tell you my Teeth are like messed up? Well my teeth are very weird, my Canines are actually horizontal in my gums, strange huh? So They're saying when I get Braces (soon), they might have to have like chains on them to get them down, I don't know.


Other Stuff:


I am working pretty fast on my next Epic, I had it all planned out pretty quickly and thought about it while I was writing the Time Gates.


Can't wait for Death Magnetic.....


Also I can't wait for Rock Band 2 to come out, it's gonna be awesome, if you have Rock Band, Guitar Hero or anything like that for the 360, feel free to send me a friend request, My Gamertag is in my Bio...




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