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Well, it's kind of been a while, sorry.


I chose not to come on BZP so I could enjoy my summer. Sorry if that sounds offending, but truthfully I spent most of last summer on BZP a lot and I didn't really enjoy summer to its fullest, so I took this summer off. And it was satisfying, actually, lol.


So I've been busy chillin', playing el guitar, that kind of stuff. I also just got back from Deep Creek, which is an awesome lake in Maryland I've been going to every year since I was a little kid. I tried water skiiing for the first time and also went tubing with my cousin on the smallest two-person tube you can imagine. Both resulted in supreme amounts of fail and nearly losing a pair of trunks on the second one. :P


But anyways, I procrastinated and saved all my summer homework for the last week. Yeah. It kind of sucks right now. School starts Monday for me, in case you didn't know.


So yeah, I'll try and get more active, lol.


and go steelers


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Yay Spitty! when you come back, I come back haha! I've had my eye on your blog for a while since i finally became premier and got a blog too, i've been waiting for you to come back! ^^


Tubing is fun, especially when it hits a crest form the boat and you go flying in the air those tubes can launch! (I can't water ski for any thing >< )


Welcome back!



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School starts Monday... Procrastinated on summer work until the last week...


No, we aren't the same person. Creepy, though.


I saw what you did there. :-P Go Steelers!

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