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My Evening Last Night



My mom and I get home from being with my grandparents all day yesterday around maybe 6:00 and I hear a message from my friend saying that the homeschool association's last swim night at the local pool was that night from 5-8. So I run upstairs to get my bathing suit and stuff and my Mom grabs me a bite to eat and takes care of the dogs.


So then I go over to the pool at 6:30 (thankfully, it didn't rain--there was a drizzle on the way over, but not near the pool :happy:)... just when her and another friend of mine had gotten out of the pool. The one had band practice soon so she couldn't get wet, but the other (whom had left the message on my machine) went back in the pool.


So then we were playing volleyball with... their moms. Go figure. :P


And then her and I went over the the diving boards and I showed her my two signature moves, the dying cow (scream moo on the way down), the dying platypus (scream "insert platypus sound here" on the way down) and the dying human (accidently do a sideways cannonball and say "owww"). And then she tried and inbelievably MASTERED the dying cow! :P


Plus I completed two successful dives. Every time I've tried to dive before my body just... straightens out and I hit the water belly-first. XD


And then we came back over to the shallow end and tossed around one of those fabric ball things with a bunch of random people. And then we got out and sat around chatting for a while until my mom picked me up.


And that's why I didn't post any blog entries last night. :P


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Lucky. I'll have to try the dying platypus sometime. Too bad I don't swim alot. Not only do I live in a suburbian suburbia of the suburbs, but I have this thing where I can't get my heart submerged underwater too long or something or the beats go outta whack. And that's the part where I die.

*Insert platypus sound here!*



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I actually sometimes do the "Flying Squirrel" (do a flat dive off the board, and yell "I Believe I Can Fly!"), and it hurts.




'Kano would love the Dying Cow. XD

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