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Last Day Of Summer



School starts tomorrow, so I only have until tonight...then summer ends. ;;


So, uh, I was thinking of lighting an old McDonalds toy on fire, but I burned them all already XD


So I'll probably just play Madden all day. =P


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Last day of summer for me too, oh well, summer starts, summer ends.

I view it as a new opportunity, even though I've been going to the same school for 4 years now. :lol:


I'm personally going to moc the day away, I've already finished up one project, and I'm going to just keep going till my fingers break... or till school starts. :lol:

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Hopefully you didn't burn the McToran. But all the other McDonalds toys suck.


It's not the last day of summer for me. I'm homeschooled and my school doesn't start until the 11th, I think. Yay!



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Dude. No. Just no.


Today's my last day too. :'(


So when's your last day of school? Gosh, I hope it's not the same as mine... That'd be even weirder taking into acount we both live in western Pennsylvania, and we start school on the same day.


Anywho, hope ya had fun. I didn't. I was sooo bored.

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Heh heh. Ha ha ha. Lol! XD!


I've already started school, so now I get to laugh at everyone starting...and stop laughing when I get five more pages of math homeworks. :P

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Same here. ;_;


But I live on the west coast, so you start three hours earlier. :P

And I start about a week after all of you! :o Amazing!


:flagcanada: If anything I salute the flag for later school days. :flagcanada:

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Heh heh. Ha ha ha. Lol! XD!


I've already started school, so now I get to laugh at everyone starting...and stop laughing when I get five more pages of math homeworks. :P

So true! So true! I started the 23rd. MWAHAHAHA!

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*silently giggles at BD, who gets out of school a week after us anyways*

I started on the seventeenth. GRAAGH!!

I spent my last days of summer deciding that football, if anything, is definently NOT my sport.

silly PA sillys.

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