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Halflife2 Modification Wip



Recently, I've been working on a first-person puzzle-based modification for HalfLife2. It takes place outside of the Halflife "universe", inside a facility that you have no idea what's happened in, with no living people in sight, as you venture through it trying to figure out what to actually do in the first place. So far, I've only gotten the concept nailed down, and am about halfway through this one map that I plan to make the second one in the game. "pics" and videos are coming soon.


It doesn't require any special textures or anything, except for the enemies which you find halfway through the game(which use a modified Medic skin, and the same models), and the gun you eventually stumble across(which uses an AR2 as the model and skin, but at a different angle, and works about the same as the Airboat Gun). Thee isn't a heads up display, except for the crosshairs and things that come up telling you the controls, and just getting shot once is about enough to kill you, so a "health" meter is unnecessary, as well as keeping up with the realistic atmosphere I'm trying to create. it DOES use HL2 textures, but the architecture and presentation of the environment is different from that found in HalfLife2.


The only things I can think of that I'd need help on is how to create custom skins and such, and possibly beta testers. My biggest thing is that I need to know how to edit skins and textures, and how to script a custom weapon. I've gotten everything else figured out, except for a few other things that won't be much trouble.



Oh, and I'll have that preview for it up in about a week. Won't take too long.






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