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Well, That Was Nice



Not worrying about my blog for a while.


But if figured since I needed to post news tonight you'd all realize I was back. (Granted, since "I'm back" now I have to go review a bit more of news for my boss (aka B6) before it's too late.)


College has been exciting so far. I arrived in Christopher Newport University last Wednesday, got settled in, met my awesome roommate for real, and realized we get along quite well. My whole hall of 38 (or 40 counting the two football players we see little off) is quite awesome. Now it's my job to break out of my shell and actually socialize instead off popping my laptop open and checking my email every chance I get.


Aside from my hall (which has a few anime fans (who were surprised to see I liked anime) and one who is Catholic so I have somebody to go to mass with on Sundays. I've joined the CCM. (Sadly another cute girl in the dorm across the path didn't show....)...where was I?) Aside from my hall, there's Ian upstairs who we've adopted because our hall is so much cooler than his. I also know Vincent and Liz who will be joining the Anime Club, and Liz's roomie Elisa who we might convert into an otaku. (Liz has FMA and Princess Mononoke with her.) I met all three during orientation in June, frankly because I wore an FMA shirt so they immediately saw me. Well, not Elisa; I guess she just radiated towards our group, but she's cool too. Then there's Ian downstairs who was a coworker all summer. But I've met a few other people here and there, forgotten their names, and may not have seen them since, or may see them again. Oh, today I learned that Liz loves Lego too. (We might just build a micro-town display of the campus too. Using LDraw first to see what pieces I have and what we need to order. First I need to download LDraw.)


So, came in on Wednesday, and on Thursday my laptop shows up in the mailroom. Wait, scratch that. On Wednesday I get a call an hour after the mailroom closes saying that my laptop came in. Thursday afternoon I had turned it on and loaded all the proper university internet services into it. Then I immediately went to my email, a special social networking site, and then I may have checked out the blogs. (Nice Muaka, BTW, Bunda.)


Why haven't I blogged yet? Well, I hadn't yet installed Word Perfect (vs 12) until today, so I couldn't get you a QotD. And as soon as I showed my presence I'd have to get on to BZP reporting, so I was slacking off. But it was nice not having to worry about anything. Gave me time to explore campus and get to know people, which was my idea/point I was hoping for.


So now I'm on a Dell Windows Vista Inspiron 1525 and must say, I love Vista! There's too much to go into detail right here, but it has got some nice perks.


As for the actual college part...well, I had three of five classes today. (The other two are tomorrow.) My history teacher has an accent (and seems to be turning the "Ancient and Medieval History" class into a "World History" class. Ick. My english teacher should be good, but he's a little jittery; that might drive me crazy. And French is going to be hard, but I should be able to get away with a passing grade. No, I will, and I need to try to enjoy it.


Each door has two nametags on it (well, an enlarged drive's license of McGlovin with our names on it) and people have started to make their own.

Mine's 3D, unlike others colorful names on paper! (Though "Benjamin" wouldn't fit so I had to settle for "Ben" which is what everybody calls me anyway.) There are six Lego magnets on the back sticking it to my white message board. And no, I'm not worrying about anything "walking off." (though I did put a "normal" white body and legs smiley minifig on it.)

(That picture was taken with my webcam on my computer on my laptop. It's OK. I'm not going to be photoing MOCs with it, that's for sure. But my suite mate said he has a camera and I know him pretty well through scouts already.


Speaking of Lego, I brought all my System stuff with me, and my whole Toa team because I really wanted to take pix of them instead of waiting until October break. Lucky you!


I need to get entries up describing my room layout (it's sweet) and why Vista is amazing!


Thanks for reading this all you who read it. Tell me, are my long entries entertaining or do I need to do something to flair up my blog?


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Credit for this blog goes to me. Credit for Bionicle goes to Greg Farshtey. Credit for the theory of relativity goes to Albert Einstein. Credit for the discovery of fire goes to (grunts like a caveman). Credit for...


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Eh . . . I usually skim the college part anyway, so it wasn't that bad.


Anyway, good to have you 'back' and I hope to see those Toa soon. Possibly more Rahi too.




You "skimmed" over some important stuff probably.






Yeah probably . . . I would stop every once-in-a-while if I saw words that caught my eye. Like the whole 'cute girl' part, I started reading that whole paragraph just to see what happened :P


I mean, I guess I read most of it . . .


Oh, that whole building thing with Liz sounds quite awesome :D I hope you do actually do that.



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Sounds cool. There are always the floors that are more fun... I missed out on that part (I was on the third floor, and I heard the second floor was the kicking one.)


One quick question... does your school go by quarters or trimesters? Namely, do you have three semesters (periods for which you enroll for a class) and a summer break, or just two semesters and a summer break? My school was on the quarter system, but I've heard the trimester system is a bit nicer because you have a longer period of time to cover material for classes. Of course, it can also depend on which classes you get (like are you taking any math / science stuff? :P )



We do it with two semesters a year. With a five week winter break in between. So I have from now until mid-December to survive.

I'm taking Math 135 (Calculus something) but I think I'll do fine at it. We'll find out later this morning....






Yup. And I plan to make plenty of money working.



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Usually I don't read long entries, but just because I miss you, I read it.


Glad you're getting social. Keep it up (and avoid the frat parties/don't listen to Omi).



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Glad to see you're having fun ^_^. Good to know you have an awesome roommate, that's an important part.





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How exactly is he turning it into World history?

It's not quite what I expected. When I hear "Ancient and Medieval World" I think old stuff like ruins and Stonehenge and knights in shining armor of the round table and whatnot.


This course basically starts with dinosaurs and continues on to maybe today.



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We're knights of the round table

we dance when'e'er we're able

we do routines and chorus scenes

with footwork impeccable

we dine well here in Camelot

we eat ham and jam and spam a lot!


Glad to see that you've settled in nicely. I can only hope my college will be as awesome. And for an Inspiron 1525, which my parents are thinking of helping me get.


I was entertained. But FRENCH BLAAAGHH!! Is it true that the verbs have gender?



That's what I was thinking upon signing up, but nooooo....


Yes, French verbs have gender/are used differently with different genders.


I'll email you with some more info on the Inspiron 1525, and you'll see my blog entry. I was surprised I could get a good laptop for under $1000. (This was just under $700 after including tax and shipping. Definitely doable on my $7/hour salary.)



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