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Irritations, Illegality.. Good Stuff.

Boogie Monsta


It's now official. If I see/hear someone use the phrase 'Why so serious?' one more time (besides the obligatory ones that everybody and his brother's uncle's dog will write here), I'm going to do something illegal.


Went to the water park yesterday with a friend who'd never been, had an awesome time, even got a decent fail pic (two rafts jammed on the conveyor with a dude up there trying to pull them out). Had a zombie crash afterwards, tho, since I was up until 2:30 the night before..


My arm's started to occasionally twitch when I walk down the hall, like Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street snapping his claws out of a fist. Mom says it's because I play Guitar Hero too much..


Speaking nothing whatsoever of which, Mizzy, post in Swarm, and the rest of you, answer this.


1. Have you ever heard of Anarchy Club?

2. If so, what's your favorite song by them?

3. What's your favorite TV show?

4. Freddy or Jason?

5. What's the tiredest you've ever been?

6. If a wolf walked up to you holding a pineapple, what would you do?


*remembers to do my answers*

1. Yup.

2. Collide

3. Doctor Who

4. Freddy. Jason can't hurt what's in his dreams.

5. Well, it's a toss up between the second day of robotics nationals, and this morning.

6. I'd give it a treat, then it would drop the pineapple to eat the treats, then I'd take the pineapple, leaving him in complete submission to me.


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1. Have you ever heard of Anarchy Club? Ya.

2. If so, what's your favorite song by them? I've only heard one song by them, which was Blood doll, which was pretty good.

3. What's your favorite TV show? Scrubs.

4. Freddy or Jason? Jason

5. What's the tiredest you've ever been? when I stayed up from 8:30 AM to 4:00 AM

6. If a wolf walked up to you holding a pineapple, what would you do? Steal his pineapple, then lob it at bfahome. Then lob the wolf at bfahome.



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Come on, Seeth...


Why so serious?


LOL, I'll go post in Swarm. I've been trying to think of a decent idea that could get us somewhere and hopefully last us until the RPG ends.

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1. Have you ever heard of Anarchy Club?
2. If so, what's your favorite song by them?
3. What's your favorite TV show?
4. Freddy or Jason?
5. What's the tiredest you've ever been?
6. If a wolf walked up to you holding a pineapple, what would you do?

MYTHBUSTERS! *asplodes*
Freddy, but I'm basing it on the only part I know anything about-weapons.
can't-keep-eyes-open tired
point out that wolves cannont hold anything, due to a lack of thumbs.
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1. Yep.

2. Whatever that one song you sent to me was. Riot Time? I forget...no, it was Assassin.

3. Mystery Science Theater 3000

4. Null.

5. I've been up for 28 hrs before.

6. Eat the pineapple. The wolf is now disarmed. He is now helpless.

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1. Have you ever heard of Anarchy Club?

2. If so, what's your favorite song by them?

3. What's your favorite TV show?

4. Freddy or Jason?

5. What's the tiredest you've ever been?

6. If a wolf walked up to you holding a pineapple, what would you do?




Oh, I thought you meant the biker gang.




Jason because I would probably kill Freddy.


Like I remember?


Chuckle to myself and walk away.



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