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The Plot Thickens.



This first week of college has been... less than wonderful. It wasn't so much 'syllabus shock' as it was the homework shock - lots of reading and 2 papers from day one - and more every day after that. I totally freaked out. Thanks to help and encouragement from my parents and brother, I'm working through it, but I've still got tons to do. I can handle it now, but not with a smile on my face. (Well.... okay, I still have smiles left. They're just a bit harder to find under all these books.)


I feel like this guy! v v v v







And I, in my brilliance and desire NOT to be late to class, found the most expensive parking spot on campus.


(I'm sure you've seen it before - the place one finds when the parking lot is totally full, at the end there, where there is no yellow paint? The illegal spot? Ya know the place.)


Apprently I'm one of many who've received a ticket for the same reason... (then make more parking, goshdarnitall!!)



... OH WAIT. I see now! If they keep forcing students to park illegally by not providing enough parking spots, they'll eventually hand out enough Parking Violation tickets and earn themselves a handsome enough sum to add a new lot.




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Aww, poor gal. :< *digs her out from underneath her heaps of books and dusts her off* But yeah, college likes to do that to you. The things we go through for the sake of our future ...


Have a Tuany hug for the road. ^^ *huggle*

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- his hair is short in a guy-Hobbit sort of way

- his hands aren't girly enough

- his pants, and the way his legs are positioned


That's not to say it couldn't possibly be a girl, but it's my educated guess.

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