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Day Two




Entry 49


I went to bed yesterday at 9:30... I was wiped, that is the earliest I have gone to bed in a long time. After I woke up and ate breakfast this morning, I fell asleep on my bedroom floor. BOOM BOOM, my sister's knock on the door awoke me, "I said we're leaving early today!" she exclaims.


Shoot... I scramble to get ready and in five minutes I am gurgling mouth wash as I walk down the driveway toward her car. I spit it in the rosebush (our secret), and toss my running gear in back. I dig through my super-laden backpack and try to find a receipt I from the middle of last week for an agenda book I purchased but did not receive. The school had run out of stock, something about no one being around to sign for the delivery and the books being sent back to the manufacturer in Nebraska rather than our local school district offices.


We parked, I trampled up to the student store, they gave me my agenda book. Surprisingly there was no trouble, usually they want some insane amount of proof that I paid for the thing, like a photo, or a court listing, or something. I then put my running stuff in my coach's room, then went to English. In English, we took a test on Kite Runner, good book, but I hate being forced to read something for a class and being ripped the freedom of reading what I please. This system leaves a person with many an unfinished series.


Mr. Hitchcock lectures us about how wonderfully amazingly brilliant the world of chemistry and physics are, and the wonders they have and will give us. For example he mentioned telepathy and teleportation, and how our generation will likely commute to space. He thinks that the classroom needs a digital clock, I agree. Finally, another science teacher (think of Jamie Hyneman) walks in, mumbles something and hands Mr. Hitchcock practice tests that basically tell whether or not we understand the summer assignment. It was a breeze.


In history we watched The Last Stand of The 300, a history channel documentary. I've already seen it. Sadly we had to take notes, and Monday, after watching 300 tomorrow, we will right a comparative essay about the similarities of history's version of 300 and Hollywood's.


I'll skip math, it was boring. Nothing happened at lunch either.


We did a coloring project in Spanish. Awesome. Meanwhile, our teacher droned on about various subjects, ie: Georgia and Russia, Joe Biden, Fidel Castro, Cuban cellphones, Dubai, Dubai's The World, The Palm, and the new tallest building, and lastly cranes. That is a fun class indeed, and hopefully we won't actually have to learn any Spanish.


Short run today in cross country, six miles, but afterward we he to do six one-hundred meter sprints and it was boiling out. A kid on our team got a tattoo that reads "XC" on his ankle, I don't know why. However, that sparked the discussion we had while stretching, I barely attempted to follow as it is not a subject of my interest. Mom picked me up and I fell asleep on the coach after watching last night's Mythbusters episode. I awoke when I received a phone call from a friend, she wanted me to get her a keylogger. I told her to call another friend because I couldn't get one for her. Honestly I just don't want to risk viruses on my computer. I didn't bother asking why she wanted one.


No point in going back to sleep, so here I am, posting a new blog entry. Chances are I will go to bed extremely early again and repeat all of the above tomorrow.




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