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New Tunes

The Driver


Got a new MP3... scratch that, media player today.

Plays both music and video files.

Only the screen is so small it hurts your eyes. It made the Final Fantasy 13 trailer look bad ;.;.


Music sounds good though, and it has this little nifty display screen.


LGD Entry is going fast, compared to the front that is. And it'll be a breeze to construct, compared to the front that is. And since the front was a deep pit of sheer pain and suffering...

Spent almost 6 hours on it... Go figure.

The rest should take about 4 maybe 5, and that includes everything.


Haven't worked on it as much as I wanted to today, since Loki and I went to make the streets of Harlingen a little less safe xD.

We had a good time though, with the traditional Burnout Revenge session of course.


Let's see, anything else I need to share?


Err... nope.






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Let's see, anything else I need to share?


Oh yeah.


+1 for Weebl and Bob reference.


You don't want a bigger screen for your Media Player though because you'll end up with something that won't fit in your pocket. Personally I can't see the use of all these fancy extra's on MP3 players. It's it suppoessed to be something to listen to while doing something else? You couldn't cross the street while watching videos on an iPod. iPod's are expensive anyway. Bah.


Where was I? Oh yeah, Strawberry Blond is awesome. Yay!



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It isn't an IPod, no, not at all.

This thing was only a fraction of an IPod's price.

The fact it can play videos is only a plus to me, I'm only going to use it for music.


Tehe, same goes with cellphones. You can make pictures, videos and so forth.

What happened to the actual phonecall?

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