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Give Me A Break! Nah, I'll Just Take A Break...

Jedi Gali


*Hums that one KitKat song to self*




Anywho, I have a pretty creative mind. As some of you may know, I've written lots of epics, SS's, and even a comedy here on BZPower. But my problem is not finishing things. It's not like I've stopped writing them, rather that I add a new chapter once every few months to each story.


So what am I going to do? FINISH THEM ALL! THEY MUST BE FINISHED!!




As I was saying, I definitely want to complete every single one of my stories. But here's the plan: after I finish one epic (which will make my grand total of finished epics two) I will open a library to store and organize all my works. In order to wrap up one at a decent pace, I'm going to work on that one only. And the lucky winner is....

To Be or Not To Be!!!!


I'm sure you're thinking, "What the heck is that?" Well, basically it's set in Po-Koro and follows the pitiful story of a wannabe inventor and Koli player. They make a bet with Huki (one of the character's brother) and Hafu to invent a machine that will kill a Bohrok. Along the way, they will do anything and everything to achieve their dreams.


Now shifting to another topic. I mentioned awhile back about the thought of a 'movie scene of the week'. I asked for suggestions... but got none. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to figure it out myself. :rolleyes: Unless any of you can suggest anything now???


Well I'm headin' out now. I've got to wrap up some homework and get some sleep before school.


:kaukau: -JG




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Well I'm headin' out now. I've got to wrap up some homework and get some sleep before school.


Same here :P I hate homework >_<


Anyway, I have the same problem. I've stopped two epics already . . .


Well, be sure to PM/Comment me a link when you have your library up.



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Movie Scene of the Week Suggestion: (from V for Vendetta) "Why won't you die!?" He shouted as he continued to pull the trigger of the empty gun, watching in horror as his enemy loomed in front of him.


"Because I'm an idea, and ideas never die."




That one gets me every time! I love that scene (though I'm sure I misquoted it =/)


I have the same problem you do, I have all these plans for great stories, but only ever write one or two chapters. I actually am currently working on an old project though, Fall of BZ-Koro. I'm on chapter 5 I think, a record for me.




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Will do, Velox. ;)


Well, KK, I've never seen V For Vendetta, but I'll look into it. But the thing with me and writing is that I haven't given up on any of them. I've posted a chapter in each one in the past few months. And each epic has six or more chapters, so it's not like I just got an idea and posted it on a whim.


:kaukau: -JG

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Wow, six chapters is EACH!? There goes my record =/


By the way, I believe your awesome blog with tons of stuff about writing and stories deserves THIS:







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