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Two's A Duo



If people were guessing what it's like to be a twin, I may have some good pointers and tips about it.


You see, I am part of a pair of twins. My twin sister and I were the two hellspawns which launched my mother into motherhood. Credit for all and most experience of raising children would have come from our arrival and infant years which sent my family on a spree of sleepless nights, expenditure of goods (make that double), and the most expected one: Telling the two apart.


No, we're not identical twins but fraternal twins. We're worlds apart. She doesn't like Bionicle and I do. There.


Well, for starters, don't think that there's this telepathical bond or 'something special' between ALL twins, despite what the media and cartoons say. She and I only remember one incident of such a happening, which was in a form of a similar dream, and my parents recalled us as infants tossing and turning in two separate cots on separate sides of the bed in unison, and possibly more my parents have not revealed to me. Yet.


And now we don't have such strange occurences anymore. If such a bond existed between us, it had all but dissipated from the younger years.


All we both are, really, are on good terms with each other and a close pair. We both stuck together when we were in Secondary Three and Four, which should be the equivalent of Year Nine and Ten.

Projects, assignments, class exercises, worksheets, at Physical Education even, we both were inseparable. We both eked out a reasonable existence as 'the pair' of the class, she chasing me if I pulled a prank, I chasing her if she pulled the returning prank, both of us putting our heads together for that Geography or History question, she teaching me the Maths, Me helping her with the English.... the memories. Now, we're in separate education institutions. What a pity.


However, I still do have my sister almost twenty-four-seven. We're never really apart, savvy?


The mystique of twins exists: You can never really pry twins apart. Even if they walk their separate ways, be it due to their paths of life, career, education institutions, simply put as parting, they are undeniably twins, and they stick with this all the way to death, and possibly beyond. It makes them unique, a special status that makes them stand out from the main society.


Wonderful, no?

That's the reason why the media and cartoons toy with this feat of nature (and not so natural feat, considering that my sister and I were induced artificially) so much!

The twin-powerhouses Mary Kate and Ashley are the first names that pop into mind when "Famous Twins" are mentioned. Heh. I shan't go on about those two. I shall not stick myself and submerge into the strange ways of media.


That would make this an all-out ranting.


Next place that I know which used this was Transformers, mainly the Generation One season. Starring in there were a pair of twins too, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Go figure, these two were twin boys, Lamborghini Countachs(sp?) that were, to be termed by their fellow Autobot at arms, red and yellow (respectively) blurrs of doom, for both Decepticons and Autobots. The fanfiction about them always mention the twins either co-operating in a prank on their friends, or pulling off a show of martial arts niche 'jet judo' and it's just the start. Those two are partly, mostly in fact, responsible for luring my fandom interest towards Transformers.



Whatever it is and whatever people think, I'm really thankful I'm a twin. I like being a twin, and I cannot lie. (Please snicker if this reminds you of something.) It's a fact I don't deny. Sure, my other half and I had our blown-up arguments and the like, but now we still help each other out.


In fact, a few nights ago, we had a most amusing chat when we were supposed to be asleep of the co-education (meaning boy-and-girl) institutions we were in and how we found the boys there.


The words 'hot' and 'cool' were never heard in there, by the way. We both had the same opinion of them: not going near any until university. Period.


Canny, isn't it?



Oh, I shall not be on the Little Red Dot tomorrow till Monday. I'm a part-time marshal for a trip into our neighbour, Malaysia, on a Makan-Makan Drive Trip. (Makan means 'eat' in Malay)


I will be documenting the trip as I go along. I'm smuggling this heavweight of a laptop along, even if Grand-Mama tells me not to.


Hope the other half won't miss me so much. I'll get something for her on the trip... now what does she like?


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Ah, how I envy you your healthy twin relationship. I'm still not used to my twin, and we don't get along at all.


- How can you say that? We make a great team. I... I love you, bro.


Nice try, BC!!. You're not fooling anyone.



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I'm sniggering really hard right now.


I caught the internet connection, and I'm going to blog.


Or I'm bloing to glog.


BC!! is not fooling me. A twin knows what a twin is, and what an irritating copycat is. Heh.



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