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Blogger's Block



This past little while has been a period of immense change for me. I've been making leaps in consciousness, learning huge amounts of wisdom almost every day. Also, my life situation has been going through a transition that I can only describe as revolutionary.


So why the silence here? Well, I've certainly had plenty of events and thoughts to write about, but there just hasn't been a deep enough desire to share. It feels like so much of what I'd like to share with the world, significant as it may be, is so transient, ephemeral, passing -- here one hour, gone the next as I've moved on to something else equally engaging. Also, as I reconnect more and more with who I truly am, it seems my ego has less and less control. Ego would very much like to keep a blog, to broadcast every little thing and have other people take notice -- to validate my personal existence by granting me their attention. Ego would very much like me to be a celebrity, with an audience hanging on my every word. But that's not who I am.


So this blog (or any other blog I may choose to create elsewhere) is not about me wanting attention or affirmation. It's about sharing. Putting my thoughts out there into the mass consciousness (which we're all a part of) in a concrete way. I'm not out to convert anyone to any particular way of thinking, I'm not going to attack anyone for disagreeing with me, and I'm certainly not going to claim that I've got the Truth. No one does. It's not something anyone can have. We all have a piece of it, though, and it's up to each individual to discern their own Truth from all the stuff out there in the world that they come across. The ultimate source, the ultimate connection to Source, is within.


So... Why am I starting every paragraph with "so?" Got to get out of that habit. :P ... OK. All I wanted to say for now is that I'm here and that I intend to start sharing more actively. Mind you, blogging is just one small aspect of that "sharing," but I do hope to expand it.




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Arpy-blog added to Blogs with Awesome. :)


It's a constant battle, this ego thing. But it's not a huge deal. I'm trying to relax about it.



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