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And So Finally...



...I find time to BZP again. This last week's been quite hectic, with being gone for several days and then having a bit of schoolwork to catch up on. Needless to say, all that is done now, and I can finally resume my normal (if you can call it that) schedule with the computer. To start out, I find my blog. Good old blog; it's been much more popular than I ever expected it to be, and I thank you all for that. It's been a while since I had a major discussion entry in here, and I think it's about time for one. The subject? Books.


I've always been an avid reader, and I enjoy books greatly. My favorite author is Ted Dekker. I absolutely love his books. There are always so many surprises in them; plot twists, great character traits, awesome storyline, and an incredible ability to pull someone into the book at chapter 1. My personal favorite of his books are the Circle Trilogy; Red, Black, and White. House was really good too; a book that he wrote with my second favorite author; Frank Peretti. Currently, I'm reading Sinner and Saint, and I'll soon start Showdown. I'd like to hear from you which authors you like, their books, and any authors you'd like to suggest, etc.


Also, to AA, because I know you'll read this entry, I've been hatching up a nice long IC post for the AvRPG for the last 3 days, and I'll finally have time to post it this afternoon; among posting other things.


Finally, The Observatory's been The Observatory for practically a full year now, maybe even longer. Should it be renamed?




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Needs more Argy!


I like the observatory, I do not like name changes as it cofuzzles me.


Books? Well I am not much of a reader. Last book I read was Farenhight 451, which kind of ruined every other book in existance for me.

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House... I liked the setup but the end was a letdown for me. I think it might have been the two authors conflicting or something.

But read Peretti's Monster. Man, that was an amazing book. I read it in like two sittings... very long sittings... but once I put it up I couldn't put it down. My love of cryptids may also have kept me going. :P

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That's what you get for knowing me well.


I'm rockin' the sexy orange! You cannot do thaty anymore!!


...well, maybe sometimes.





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XD at -Sykura-.


House... I liked the setup but the end was a letdown for me. I think it might have been the two authors conflicting or something.


But read Peretti's Monster. Man, that was an amazing book. I read it in like two sittings... very long sittings... but once I put it up I couldn't put it down. My love of cryptids may also have kept me going. :P



Monster is definitely on my list for reading. I first got into Peretti when I read Hangman's Curse and Nightmare Academy.



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Read Brian Jaqcues. Pure win. Seriously. Oh, and Christopher Paolini. and Eoin Colfer. And D. J. Machale. and I could go on forever.

You can probably tell I love reading.

Oh, and about the name, It makes no difference to me. It's your blog. you choice of name. If you want to change it, change it.

Over and Out

Toa Zaxvo

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Read Brian Jaqcues. Pure win. Seriously. Oh, and Christopher Paolini. and Eoin Colfer. And D. J. Machale. and I could go on forever.

You can probably tell I love reading.

Oh, and about the name, It makes no difference to me. It's your blog. you choice of name. If you want to change it, change it.

Over and Out

Toa Zaxvo

I've read Christopher Paolini, both Eragon and Eldest, and I eagerly await Brisingr this month. Seriously though, where do you think I got my name from? :P


Chris Paolini is definitely one of the best authors that I've read.



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