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First Day Of School



First day of seventh grade. Let me tell you, IT'S NOT AS EASY AS IT SOUNDS!


I've got two repeats in my class, and a bunch of people are already slacking off. :P


My schedule is as follows:




Algebra 1 (OMGWUT?!)

Random class (Computers, Math Enrichment, Music, Art)


Social Studies





So far it's pretty cool, except for the Algebra 1 part. (Hence the OMGWUT?! :P)




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I went straight from the middle Math class to Algebra. Everyone else in my class has had Pre-Algebra. I didn't.



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...I keep forgetting that I'm in one of the only districts in the nation that still has junior high instead of middle school. Is confusing.>>


Anyway, it may seem daunting at first, but I found 7th grade wasn't too bad. Believe me, it doesn't really get bad until roundabouts 10th grade. Then the world ends.




So yeah, you have three years (two, really, I s'pose...in my district high school starts in 10th grade) of innocence before you're sucked into oblivion.


Anyways, good luck!





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I have less classes a day, but they're probably longer than yours. And I have different classes each day (Besides Elective, which is Spanish II). Algebra was sort of easy, but Beometry is even harder. 8th grade is nice
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algebra... pttf i can do that in my sleep. the rest sounds fun.


and as my older brother put it when i complained about algebra homework...


"just wait till pre-calc dude"

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lol 7th grade



I had A LOT more work then than I do now in 9th.


I have maybe 2 or 3 homework assignments out of all of my 6 classes.


More like 5, since P.E has no homework





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Algebra I? I wish I was there. I already hate Algebra II (Honors).


Actually it isn't that bad. Just wait till Calculus BC.


~Sidorak The Hunter

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