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I is happier nao.


Why am I happy? Here's a list


-I bought Iron Angel =D


-I officially love Wednesdays at my school (An hour walk in the morning for health class, a period where we do whatever ((I tend to catch up on my writings with that time)) and a thirty minute period of reading at the end of the day. Oh and other than the two "Free periods" and Health, I only go to three other classes =D)


-I actually finished the rough draft of the completely revamped DB prologue I've been slaving away at all day, and everybodeh loves it, although some dun like the blood and that I killed a character that early and was rather mean towards a family of harpies... but meh, I like it the way it is so far ^^


-I had my vision and hearing tests done (20/20 both eyes, as for the hearing they didn't tell me the results... although I did space out for a fraction of two seconds and... may have missed a beep or two...)


-We all went out to eat and went to a few stores (To get my book, last copy left =P)


-My comp broke free of Comcasts evil adds, and now works on the internet again (I was using the "Clunker" earlier to get things done)


-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I made a doodle of Iril... chibi man, but the hair looks decent... and the face looks ticked ^^


And since he's the god of the Maze, I drew a very complex maze all over his robes... I dunno what he actually looks like, but I made a guess. Everybody in French class liked it... even the teacher liked it =P (Although I was told to get back on task <<)


-Art class wasn't today... and I don't have a printer to get the pictures of Fish I need for it... I'll improvise however, or come up with some really good excuse... I hope the former more than the latter.


-I actually got eery question right on my math shtuff after only reading it for a day, while everyone else who had been learning this for three weeks got at least two wrong =P


-People here think that it's "cool" that I have puny hand writing, and that I write stories and doodle bloody battle scenes... works for me however ^^


Sooooooooooooooooooo I had a good day.


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As long as it is creative, and you made it sure! Now go out and show the world your brilliant inventions of mass destruction! =D
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...You rock.


Well, I already have Iron Angel, so that's none of my business. :P


Lucky. >>


Sweet. =D




Another last copy? o_O


Congrats... I guess. :P


I should try drawing one of the chars right about now... *gets out drawing pad to sketch out Harper in crystal-ish form*






But it is cool. D=



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